chapter 48 (part 1)

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

"Good day Mrs Monteiro " my Grayson smiled brightly as she entered the room, nodding at Lucas who was busy rocking baby Sebriina gently. I looked on almost enviously at the sight, my best friend bonded with my child so freely,see something I had still been so terrified of doing.

"Hello" I greeted ,forcing a smile, turning my attention back to the doctor standing beside my bed,who carried a clipboard in her hand.

"How are you feeling today? Any pain? Headache? Back ache? Intense soreness?

"I am feeling like I am ready to go home" I answered and the doctor laughed softly.

Home? Where was my home? Did I even have a place to call home anymore? With Sebastian who looked at me with so much hatred burning so fiercely in his green eyes? Was I even welcome in his mansion after I had murdered his child?

"And the pain" I continued, "the little pain I'm feeling is tolerable, minor,nothing a few pain killers won't cure."

The throbbing ache in my heart was much harder to bear and it could not be cured,at least not so simply,not so easily.

"Ok then" she said, checking the clipboard,using her pen to write down something. "It seems you are indeed in the clear to go home. Congratulations Mrs Monteiro as of now you are discharged from this hospital."

"Thank God" Lucas exhaled deeply,causing doctor Grayson to chuckle and turned to him.

"Hows this little lady?"

"She's doing great, thank you." I answered and she smiled then left the room.

"Ill start to pack your bags, "Lucas stood up and put the baby in my hands.

"No Lue,hold her I beg you,I'll do the packing. Please." I begged, stuttering. I was extremely terrified of holding my own baby.

How fucking pathetic.

"Britondii Luca, you are going to shut the cluck up,sit and hold your child. This is getting from bad to worse. Do you not need to start bonding with your child or will you continue to allow us to do it for you? This has gone too far and I am really sick and tired of your self self loathing babe. Sebriina needs you even when you are not breast feeding her because you are her mother."

"Ok" I mumbled,teary eyed, my voice so low it was barely audible , I almost couldn't hear the word I had spoken. Lucas had never spoken to me so scoldingly before. But I knew what he said was the truth, Sebriina was my daughter. I was her mother.

I looked down at the small angel wrapped in the pink towel sleeping in my arms and I knew I would never,ever hurt her. She was my world.

My best friend smiled at me no doubt understanding my train of thought and kissed both Sebriina's and my forehead then began packing our belongings into our bags.

"Babe "Lucas said my name after he completed the task. "I am going to call Sebastian now."

Im sorry I ever met you,you damned woman as soon as I heard his name the words he had spoken two days before hissed in my ear like a serpent causing my heart to pound so loudly I could hear it. He had not visited me since.

"No please do not contact him." I whispered and closed my eyes tightly, trapping the tears that threatened to escape.

"Baby why? What's wrong? He needs to know you have been discharged. Are you crying Brii?" When I didn't utter a response, he rubbed my back soothingly.

"Talk to me Brii. Whats wrong?"

"He hates me Lue, I killed his child."

"Jesus Christ Brii can you even hear yourself? Stop saying that please."

"Lue he told me himself" I said and recounted the entire conversation between Sebastian and I.

"Disgusting" my friend hissed angrily."what kind of man blames that on a woman? Does he not know you are already blaming your self? Is he the only one hurting? That bastard never deserved you Brii."

"No Lue. He deserves to hate me. After all I killed his daughter.

"Brii" he sighed tiredly,defeated and kissed his niece's head.

"Could you please take us home? Your home?" I sighed. I wouldn't able to face Sebastian. Not when I still believed I murdered his child. Not when he killed me over and over with the hatred in his eyes.

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