chapter 36

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This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

I had just gotten off the phone after a hour long conversation with Goofy Chris and had put down the phone when it started ringing again. "Doesn't this man ever sleep? " I considered certain it was him who was calling again. It was already after 9pm in new York so it was like after 1am in England as they were 5 hours ahead of us. But still, Christian was always awake. Awake and working. Whenever I spoke to him about the importance of a good nights rest, his usual reply was " I won't call when you are at the hospital Britondii as I don't want to disturb you brat " He was very considerate. "And if I want to continue being the successful business man I am I have to put in the hours." I reckoned that much was true but a good night's sleep was essential. Very much so.

Even though we were continents apart, I really valued our friendship and I was happy it had not been destroyed that day. We had not spoken about the morning when he had confessed his feelings for me and for that I was glad. After all, some things are better left unsaid or in this case unaddressed. To speak about that touchy topic would have probably put another strain on our friendship. Something neither of us wanted. There had been no awkwardness between us and for that too, I was glad.

I rolled over to the side of the bed where the phone was after I had pulled off my tank top I wore to the hospital today. It was a wonder the phone had not stopped ringing.

Without looking at the caller ID as I had been sure it was Chris I answered, "You need to get some sleep Christian."

I blushed when I heard the familiar Low growl. "Hmmm. Christian? I hope you are not cheating on me miss Luca. I am a very selfish man." Sebastian.

I giggled at the playfulness in his tone. It was cute. "Jealousy is not a good taste on your tongue Mr Monteiro" I teased.

"Hmmm" he hummed. "Maybe not. But you would be."

I gasped softly and could feel my face over heating in embarrassment at what he was implying.

What is he implying Britondii? My subconscious taunted.

I could have sworn my face had gone ablaze by this or looked like it had been covered in blood. Was Sebastian talking about that? Maybe not. But still.

" miss Luca? " I heard Sebastian chuckle. "Tell me how red are your cheeks right now."

"Sebastian stop" I groaned and I heard his soft chuckle again " very red then."

"I hate you Brandon" I used his middle name. We both know what I really meant by hate though.

"I love you too wifey.


After a very...... entertaining conversation with Sebastian and a refreshing shower I was now laying I'm bed thinking. Over thinking.

It had been 3 days since Sebastian asked me to live with him in his house as his personal girlfriend but I was yet to make the announcement to Jucas.

The same evening when I had returned home and they had seen the kiss marks on my neck and my jaw. I saw their questioning looks but I didn't give any answer their especially Lucas ' silent questions . Even though I shared everything with them I wanted to keep this part of Sebastian and I's relationship private. Im sure they knew he marked me and that was enough.

I decided I would tell them after breakfast tomorrow morning that Sebastian asked me to move in we with him as his girlfriend and I said yes. After my decision I relaxed and focused my attention on the Tv and watched spongebob until my vision became blurry and my eyes started to droop.


"Lue" I woke up with a start when I felt a body flop down on the bed and whispered in my ear "bitch."

I rolled on my back and saw Lucas smirking at me.

"Don't you have a man to blow?" I said yawning earning me an ever more cocky smirk.

"Already did boo. I know my duties."

I punched his shoulder. "God I hate you"

"Anyways babe breakfast is almost ready. Hurry and come down" he said and left the room closing the door behind him.

I sighed deeply. Today was the day I would break the news to my friends. I hoped they didn't give me a hard time about it. In any case my decision was final but I wanted them to be ok with it because only then I would be truly happy living with Sebastian. knowing I had my best friends support.


"I have something to tell you guys. " I informed Jucas after the breakfast dishes and glasses were cleared from the table. I reckoned that I would just be straight forward and confident about my decision. In a way I knew I was over reacting. I knew they would support me. They were good friends and they wanted me to be happy.

"Hmmm" John hummed and looked at me in anticipation of my news.

"Yes honey. I knew you were worried about something for the past few days. I was wondering when were you going to tell us what's up " Lue said snapping his fingers to and fro,back and forth and wiggling his eyebrows.

How did this man manage to be so masculine in public but when he was around us he was such a stereotypical bottom? Ha. I wasn't surprised he knew there was something bothering me. We were best friends. We could tell when all was not well with the other.

"Sebastian asked me to move in with him as his personal girlfriend and I said yes" I raised my hand indicating I wasn't finished when Lucas cleared him throat to speak. "I know you guys are not particularly fond of him but I love him and I want you guys to be happy for me." I said in a small voice. All the courage I had when I had just started to speak had diminished.

"Britondii" Lucas called me by my full name so I knew he was very serious. "Sebastian had fucked up but we are human beings we make mistakes. I believe in second chances and we all know you love that man more you should" I laughed softly at that. It was true. I loved him more than I loved myself. "However I am not going to lie i am not thrilled you are going to be living with him because of" he paused. "The past" I was glad he didn't go into details because I had already put the past behind me. How can we make a future if we are still hanging onto the past? "You are an adult Britondii and you have made your decision. You are a beautiful human being and you deserve to be happy. Just know that you will always have a home in this big ass house and if anything, anything, happens and you need us we are only a phone call away. I wish you all the best babe" I realised I was crying when Lucas came over with with a piece of napkin and dried my face.

"Thank you baby"I whispered my voice cracking as we embraced each other.

After Lucas had claimed back his seat I looked over to John my hear thumping nervous at what he would say.
He started back our blue eyes locking then he cleared his throat. Big brother mode activated.

"Sis" he spoke his voice firm and he stretched his hands across the table and I held them. "What do you say after a speech like that?" He chuckled softly winking at Lue and then he was serious again. "Sis you know I love you and I have always wanted nothing but your happiness. I will give Sebastian only one chance and I swear to God if he fucks up, babe is going to be a prison wife. You have my support and as babe said we are only a phone call away. Don't hesitate to call us if anything goes wrong. We will come and get you. I love you sis" I smiled happily as they both came and hugged me.

I had my best friends support.

Sebastian is aware of Britondii and Christians friendship. He has been since before they (Seb and Brii) reconnected.

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Tempting The Billionaire Book1✔(Slowly Revising)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora