chapter 41

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Dedicated to @icy2301. We are using your ship name #Briibastian

This chapter is not edited. There will be many mistakes. Some things may even not add up.

Britondii Luca pov

"Baby are you ready to go?" Sebastian took my hands in his and I realised the car had come to a stop.

"Huh? Oh yes I am ready." I mumbled, distracted.

What had Sebastian really meant when he emitted he couldn't wait to make me 'officially his'? Or did it mean anything significant? Had I been reading too much into it? Maybe so but still.

"Baby I'm ready to go" I smiled when Sebastian continued to stare at me, uncertain. I kissed his jaw staining it red with the faint dry print of my lipsticked mouth.

I got ready to clean it with my thumb but he stopped me.

"Let it be. I like it."

That was cute as fuck if you ask me.

"Boy shut up" I giggled using my fore finger to poke at his forehead. "You haven't even looked at it."

"True" his lips raised into a smirk. "Now are you ready to go, wifey?"

As we walked to the grand door of the restaurant, Sebastian's arm around my waist,almost beside me but really a half step behind. I couldn't help but to admire not only Sebastian's gentlemanly demeanor but also the magnificent beauty of the building,even from the exterior it was undeniable. True Sebastian Monteiro style.

"After you baby " Sebastian kissed my forehead and pushed the large darkened glass door open.

"Baby this is beautiful " I breathed out softly.

Indeed it was. All of the tables were empty and formed a squared frame around the single one in the centre. The only form of illumination came from the many well arranged candles burning fiercely from the table tops. The light fragrance surrounding the room was from the red and white rose petals that covered every inch of the floor.

"I love you " Sebastian said in a low voice and kissed my temple and pulled out my chair.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment and basked in the soulful low music and the heavenly event of the roses.

"So what do you think?" Sebastian asked causing me to open my eyes.

I allowed my gaze to wander around the beautifully decorated air conditioned room before I gave my answer.

"Its alright" I teased and bit back a threatening laugh when he raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow and pouted. Damn. He was adorable. But still could a 31 year old man be adorable?

"I'm kidding babe. Its wonderful" I smiled honestly,gazing around the room.

"It should be" he chuckled,cockily.

"I swear Brandon your ego is almost as big as-"

"My dick?" He cut me off,smirking.

"I was going to say your head head but then again you would have probably asked which one."

"Ha" he chuckled as the waiter approached our table.

This was not exactly dinner conversation per say but still we enjoyed it.

I watched as the waiter silently poured poured champagne into our glasses and left after a nod of dismissal from Sebastian.

I sipped my drink and watched as Sebastian merely stared at his, almost as if lost.

Why had he suddenly gone blank? Literally just a moment ago we were chatting up a storm.

"Baby are you ok?" I voiced my question.

"I'm good hon" he chuckled. " I'm just so intoxicated by your beauty I'm considering whether I should actually touch any alcohol.

It was my time to giggle. "Oh Brandon"

I'm not convinced. The Damn mans hands are shaking.

"Dance with me " Sebastian stood up from his chair and took my hand in his, helping me up when Robin Thicke's Lost Without You came over the speakers.

He held my waist as we rocked in sync with each other,he hummed the lyrics and I could feel my face heating up at the sound of his low deep voice in my ear.

I'm lost without you

Cant help my self

How does it feel

To know that I love you baby.

The song ended and I found my hands gripping tightly the back of Sebastian's jacket.

After the first course had been served and completed, I initiated the second dance to Monica's Angel Of Mine and much like he had done, I sung lowly the words on his chest. Even in the heels I couldn't reach past his shoulders.

When I first saw you I already knew

There was something inside of you

Something I thought that I would never find

Angel of mine.

By the time dessert had arrived, we had danced so many times, a light ache had started in my ankles. Like the ache, I couldn't ignore the nervous look on Sebastian's flawless face.

Why was he so nervous?

Like a snake, the words he had spoken crept up in my head and hissed I can't wait to make you officially mine.

Jesus Christ. The limousine,his words, the reserved restaurant,his nerves. Oh God was he....? Is Sebastian going to....?

I could sense my thoughts going haywire. My hands instantly started to shake and become sweaty. I had to bite my tongue to hold my squeals.

Keep calm boo. You don't even know if the man is going to propose.

But still my thumping heart wouldn't be tamed. I wondered if Sebastian could hear it as loudly as I could.

I was brought back to reality when the waiter came to take away our barely touched dessert. Just as he left another waiter arrived and placed a covered plate before me and a smaller one before Sebastian. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

Why were these plates covered? None of them since the first course were. And what meal was this? Why was my plate bigger than Sebastian's? I decided to set my thoughts aside and removed the cover. I covered my mouth to muffle my scream when I saw what was beneath the cover. On the edges were the words miss Luca will you marry me? On the middle of the plate was a miniature wedding cake.

By the time I looked at Sebastian he was already on his knees. I stood up from my chair and took a step closer to him as he stared into my eyes and started to speak.

"Baby I love you so much. I have been loving you since the instant moment I laid my eyes on you for the first time. Since then, I have been loving you,wanting you, needing you. Even before I admitted it to myself you have been my love,my sanity, my life.

I have fucked up so many times already but God knows I need you so badly miss Luca. Without you I am nothing. Baby I promise to spend the rest of my life loving you, sharing your sorrows,your joy. Baby I cannot imagine a future with out you by my side for the rest of my days. Britondii Luca will you marry me?

"Yes baby yes" I manage to squeeze out through my tears and he placed the platinum ring embedded with a large heart shaped diamond on my finger.

"Thank you wifey" my fiance said hoarsely as he wrapped his arms around me and allowed his tears to fall into my hair.

*dabs eyes * I love you.

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