Undercover Gangleader

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You know the normal cliche of the nerd secretly being a street fighter and the bad boy just so happens to find out? Well this is like that.... But nothing like that at all.

Meet Xavier, he's your average bad boy who so happens to be the leader of a feared gang. But what happens when strange things begin to happen and he has to go undercover and go back to high school? But not as his role of the bad boy. He has to be the school nerd.

Meet Asher, she's your average nerd.... Not. At school, she's pushed around, bullied, and made fun of because of her grades. To some people she's just an ordinary nerd who will most likely go far in life. What they don't know is that her father was one of the worlds best street fighters and that she's soon following behind his footsteps.

Conflicts are resolved, secrets are told, and friendships are broken. But through all of that. Can the two find love?

"My name's Asher, the schools nerd. Meaning you probably shouldn't hang out with me if you don't want to get on the mother truckers list."
"Mother trucker?"

Undercover GangleaderWhere stories live. Discover now