Chapter Four

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Hana above
Hana's POV

After a speech of threats and rules, Mrs. Hamilton was finally able to restart class. What we mostly learned from her speech? Only teachers can make fun of kids. I glance over at Asher, who's blush has finally died down, and the new kid who sits in front of us. I'm not going to lie, his one attractive boy. Maybe I can take dibs on him, Asher said she wasn't interested right. No, my friend needs a boyfriend and I already have one. He's Asher's or whoever makes a move before her. The last one probably being the person he ends up with. Asher's faithful to this whole "no boyfriend" rule.

Our tables are situated different than most class rooms. Instead of having it row by row, we have square of desks everywhere. Two one one side, and two facing them on the opposite side. So it's Asher and I, with the new kid I front of us, considering no one else would dare sit or been seen with us." Hi my name's Hana, and you must be...." I prod while reaching my hand out to him.

He glances at my hand before lightly shaking it and says," Xavier."

I smile and glance at Asher, who's furiously writing down all the notes Mts.Hamilton has left us with. What most people don't know is Mrs. Hamilton is Asher's cousin, but Asher and her both like to keep it a secret. Asher doesn't like the attention, and Mrs. Hamilton doesn't won't to be accused of having favorited simply because they're kin." I already knew that, but I didn't want to sound creepy. Xavier Samuels right?"

He pauses and Asher makes an inhuman noise, letting me know she was listening to our conversation. I smirk over at her and say," It's not nice to laugh at the new kids."
"I wasn't. I was laughing at you and your crazy obsession." She says, the laughter still in her voice and I squint my eyes.
"Obsession?" I hear him prod and I roll my eyes at her before and answering," No, it's not an obsession. I just simply like to know everything that's going on at all times, and maybe have to know all the rumors that go around at school. The ones from the teachers included."

"Right..... Not an obsession. And sadly ,I'm the one that has to hear it all. Speaking of which, I thought you said their was going to be a fight?"

I squint to myself and play back everything from that rumor." I did didn't I?"
I try to recollect the time but nothing comes to." Well have to dig up for the location and time during lunch. Maybe I should search to see if it's going on right now...." I begin to get up but Asher pulls me right back down." What? We're not going to miss this fight. It's the Battle Between The J's."
"Yes, and they wouldn't be having it in the middle of class. No on would see it that way and we both know they're just having this fight to see who's the Leader of this school right now. So they'll most likely have it during a free period, lunch, or at the end of school."
"Why are you so excited about a simple fight?"

We both look at him incredulous, but finally I talk out of us two." Three reasons. One, it's a fight. Nothing gets people more excited than violence. Two, we're bored. Nothing happens at this school. Literally the most exciting thing that happened to us last week was someone ended up barfing everywhere in the cafeteria. And three, the double J's are some of the best fighters at our school. Meaning it's going to be a good one, not a sucky one where you know who's going to win before it even starts."

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