Chapter TwentySix

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Special Chapter!!
"Richard's" POV

I glance at Asher in the back seat, as we make our way to the dinner. Her hair being curled, makeup on, and that dress are my worst nightmare. My baby's growing up. I watch as she sings along to the song that plays through the speakers, nodding her head on most parts while looking at the folder I had gotten for her.

Before I had went into the library, I had went to all her classes getting her makeup homework because I knew she'd be paranoid without it over the weekend.

She needs a vacation. To much stuff is going on her life right now. With training, worrying about her first street fight, now the issue of Cole, and losing her best friend. She has to be wearing down in there even though she won't let anyone see. Asher's a great actress. She won't let you know things that are going on in her mind until it's absolutely eating her inside, and even then she will most likely keep it to herself.

She'll get distant, babble, and just seem drained when she reaches the top of the scale of her endurance. She's a fighter. Both a good and a bad thing.

I look over at her mother and smile slightly down at her. Even though we're on and off, I still feel the same way about her like I did when we first meet.

I still sometimes get butterflies or will be in awe when looking at her. Like right now.

Her blonde hair is straight down her back, as she wears a crimson dress with gold jewels hanging around her neck. But like Asher, I keep these feelings bottled up inside and don't let them out until I'm by myself. I'll walk into the house that we had bought together and feel the pain of not being there for all of Asher's life or not staying by her mothers side. I know it's not fair for me to keep playing these games with her, but those moments when I act upon what I want to do is one of the best moments. I get to show her I love her still and still care for her in those hugs and kisses, that she thinks are just drunk affection but is really real with just an added act.

I personally do it just to hold her at night, to be able to have her in my arms as we go to sleep. I won't go to sleep though. I stay awake through it all. Listening to her breaths go even and slow, feeling her heart beat as it slows down over time, and smelling the scent of her as she lays beside me. Those moments are the greatest. But now my biggest question is, do they even need me to be a full time dad anymore?

Both of them have gotten used to me coming over once a day and calling a few times. They've grown used to the distance we've put between us and have already progressed to the point where they don't have the need of a real dad. It kills me.

I remember when I had traveled around the world, trying out different types of street fights and places. I had been gone for about a year and when I came back, everything had changed. My little girl was a young adult, who was a walking corpse. My woman was a successful independent woman that had got used to the idea of us not being a full time thing anymore. Things went on without me, and I wasn't there to see the changes they made. I didn't get to witness Asher winning her first spelling bee, winning the academic team championship. I got to see a picture that I carried around in my wallet of a little girl in pig tails and a Christmas onesie.

"You look beautiful. The both of you." I say out loud, not looking at one specific person but the highway in front of me.

"Thanks dad." Asher says, clearly not believing me when I say that. She never listens when people complaint her looks. She's beautiful. Beautiful isn't even a big of enough word to describe her beauty, yet she believes no one when they tell her that.

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