Chapter five

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Xavier's POV

It's the middle of the day and I'm fucking killed out. That Hana girl is bouncing up and down constantly talking about her shopping trip, football players are hollering on about the game tonight, some are just glad to be getting out of this hell hole.... But that one girl.. Asher? She's seems to be just exactly as she was this morning. Joking every now and then, smiling with Hana, and mostly being distant towards me. "She doesn't like hanging out with guys."

She smirks at me, which not a lot of girls do, and watches my lifted eyebrow carefully." I don't know if it's bothering you but I do notice a question that comes behind those a eyes of yours every time you look at her. If you're wondering why she's being so distant and hasn't talked to you, it's because she doesn't like hanging out with guys. Well it's more like she doesn't know how unless they're a cousin or very close friend already." She looks over at Asher, who's secretly reorganizing the bookshelf. I've only been around her for a day but it doesn't take long to notice she has a perfection problem." When we were little she was okay. Her parents were still together, she'd play with boys and crush on them. But something changed. Puberty I guess." Her cheeks flush a little and she avoids eye contact with me before going on." She started studying more- we both did- and she didn't seem to be interested in the whole dating thing. She won't even glance at a guy that will smile at her.Some people think she's just being a brat but really she's just afraid. She's afraid of falling in love and ruining her life."
"How does she think it'll ruin her life?" I really don't care but I know it's what I'm supposed to ask, it's what I have to do to make this act seem more convincing. All this talk about love is boring me too.I agree with Asher though.No dating. But that's probably the only thing we have in common I that department. I believe in no dating, only screwing, and I doubt she's even kissed before. She probably means no relations at all." Is she gay or something?" That'd be hot. I sneak a glance at the two of them and smirk when Hana isn't paying attention. I've watched to many adult films to be out in this situation.
"She believes that dating a guy will mess up her chance of having a good life. She believes he'll only come and mess things up. Like thinking he should come first before school and so on and so on. And no she's not gay.... I've already asked."

I nod a sneak a glance at the clock. Two more hours and I'll be away from these people but at that mundane house that I'd never thought about entering in a million years.
"So what about you? Are you dating anyone?"

I shake my head and lean back into my seat and stretch my legs out. The girl glances at me as her cheeks redden, and I smirk. Even as this depressing nerd look I still have that effect on girls. Well most of them. I glance over at the cheerleaders, who's are all snickering away as they bat their lashes at the jocks and wannabe thugs. I watch the boys in leather jacket and combat boots, who try to look tough- which they probably could be- but that could never amount to those of us who are in actual gangs. Those of us who are actual regular street fighters.

A chair is pulled out of a row of desks in front of us and dragged facing Hana. I look over to see its the girl Asher, who has a small smile on her face as she looks at the new bookshelf. All the books are arranged in colors, the darker shades of a particular color going to the lightest shade, then transferring to a different color with the same arrangement of shade. I fight the urge to smirk and say something about how ridiculous it is that someone could spend so much time on just a bookshelf. They're just books." Thanks for leaving me." Hana scowls at Asher, who wears a smirk.
"Paybacks a.. Female dog." She says back, and sticks out her tongue." That's for you going to leave me next period at art."

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