Chapter FortyThree

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Asher's POV
Hana speaks to her dad on the voice, every now and then glancing my way and raising her voice slightly. She sighs out and nods, saying something else into the phone and smiles slightly." Thanks daddy!" She presses end and gives me a big smile." He said you can stay tonight, but only if you call you mom and tell your at the house. He doesn't want to be taken to jail and recorded as a kidnapper ."
I give her a small smile and say," You didn't have to ask him Hana. I'm perfectly fine with going to my house-"
"No. I don't want you to go there and be stressed out and come to school tomorrow like a walking zombie. And plus. You're a good cuddlier."

"So your dad is letting my stay in your room tonight?"

She nods and lays her head on the back of the head rest and roll her head towards me, her hair frizzing slightly and coming around her face." Yeah, he said he thinks he can trust you enough. And plus how were technically not anything right now he thinks that he's in the clear from having to keep an eye on us tonight. And don't worry, I'm not going to try anything. We're just going to talk, cuddle, maybe gossip, and form our friendship back."
"Sounds good."
"With maybe a goodnight kiss."
"With a goodnight kiss." She smiles slightly, closing her eyes and tilting her head back." You knew you reacted the total opposite as to how I thought you would. I was thinking you'd freak out and tell me to stay away from you. Not kiss me back and say you'd think about it."
"Why would I freak out?"
"Because. You were already mad at me and plus your best friend had a crush on you. That has confusion written all over it."
"I am a little confused yes. That's the reason why I need time to think of it all..."
"I know. And I bet one of your biggest concerns is school right?" I nod slightly and she she looks at me as I look into the dark highway, no a single soul driving on it tonight." I won't distract you from it. We'll still do our homework together. No dates unless you feel like you can or have everything finished. School will still be your number one priority."
"And what will happen with you dad and his rules?"
"He'll come around eventually. Plus, he won't be that hard when he remembers you can't get me pregnant." She taps her fingers on her jaw and I gulp slightly when I realize those were the fingers just discovering me not even an hour ago. She smiles slightly and licks the tip of her finger." That guy had a point you know. I thought you were going to be totally inexperienced, which you kind of are. But yet you seemed to have a natural instinct with it..."
"What's my grade then?" I ask, smiling slightly though a heat is forming at the back of my neck.
"Hmmm... How about I give you out of ten scores? Like tonight you get an eight, but it lowers because how we stopped. Which you did leave me in the mess that I was in, and am still partially in."
"Your still horny?"
"Yes. You have these distractions while all I get to do is look at you and remember what went down. What's going to be awkward is me getting rid of it while your in my room."
"I've been through it before. Sebastian had to borrow my bathroom and a towel one night." She scrunches up her nose, a question already forming inside of her chocolate brown eyes." Nothing went on between us. He was just being Sebastian." She nods and wipes at her face slightly." Sleepy?"
"Yeah.... I'm thinking about just skipping a shower tonight and taking one in the morning after you. Yeah. That's what I'll do." She sighs and lifts her hair up off of her neck," This is peaceful. Just driving around at night."
I nod and blink away the sleepiness before sitting up slightly and tightening my grip onto the steering wheel." Yeah." I reach down and turn on my steering wheel, the lights of my speakers flickering on as the music begins to thunder out of them. I hurriedly turn the music down, taking it to a low boom and look over to see Hana's eyes no longer blinking shut as she stares at me partially wide eyes." Sorry."
"Jesus, when did you her new speakers? I thought I was at a disco!"
"Is that why you're panicking?" She lowers her eyebrows at me and I laugh slightly, taking the turn into her neighborhood." And dad got them for me as a surprise. Remember him putting it in the garage?"
"Oh... But how loud do they get?"
"Well, I put the volume pretty high on the radio with them and they filled the whole garage and some of the workers said that they could hear it outside. So pretty loud. They'll actually lift your hair slightly if you're around them."
"That's so cool... " She looks at the speakers on the inside of the door and grins, looking up at me." We're totally using these next time we go swimming or something."
"Speaking of which. Do you want to go to the lake tomorrow? After school?"
She nods and lays her head back onto the headrest again." Yeah, where are you thinking?"
"Just a lake somewhere. To hang out and eat like we used to do."
"Like or homework and study paradise?" I nod and she grins gigantically, nodding at me." Yeah let's do it. It's been forever since we've done that. Plus I need to get some sun, my skins starting to pale."
"You're naturally tan."
"Yeah but I don't like that color, I like to be a little bit darker. And plus, the Suns good for the skin."
"The Suns bad for the skin."
"Yet your not one to complain. And you need to get out some too. Your going back to your pale self."
"It's starting to become fall... In fact, we have a week until fall. I don't need to be tan in those seasons."
"Fine then. I just won't worry when you blend in with the snow and I can't find you."
I roll my eyes and glance over at her to see her looking out the window." Your being over dramatic. And you only want me to tan so I'll wear a bikini."
"And your point is?"
"You're ridiculous."
"Trust me honey. Even the straightest girl would want to see you in a bikini. And plus I've only got a glimpse of that butt in jeans, I want to see it with nothing covering its perfection. I wish I had a butt, but I wasn't blessed with one."
"Neither did I. But when I started working out it started to actually exist."
She rolls her eyes and looks at me with frowned lips," Yeah, but I don't like working out. Or exercising so... Maybe butt implants?"
"Or padded underwear. It's cushioned at the butt so it seems as if you have more junk in your trunk."
She gasps and slaps at my arm slightly," Yes! That's what I'll do! I'll order them tonight! Haha! More tumblr notes here I come!"
I roll my eyes and pull into her driveway, shutting off the car and making us in complete darkness." You sure he doesn't mind me staying?"
"I'm sure. And he also mentioned for you to check in with Gabriel in his room.... When did you all become such great friends?"
"When I was beginning to storm out of your house and he invited me to watch Central Intelligence with him."
"A movie has always been the key to your heart. Just don't fall for any Netflix and Chill if he asks."
I roll my eyes again and open my door and step out, not wanting to get her father paranoid about is in a dimly lit car together. I smile slightly when I see a blind move and close the door behind me." We've already discussed this with each other. He sees me as a sister, as I see him as a brother."
Hana nods as she shuts the door behind her as well and we begin to walk to the front door, as I inwardly groan at the sight of my fathers car." Looks as if this wasn't a good hide out either.... And it's nice to see you making friends. Though I don't really like the fact that your getting so close to my brother."
"Whatever. And did he say why I needed to go to his room?"
She shakes her head and answers," Not a clue."
I sigh out a run my hand through my hair before twisting the knob and slipping inside to see the hallway dimly lit, with the kitchen light coming through it. I take a deep breath as Hana pats my back slightly and we begin to walk down the long hallway. Let's get this awesome reunion over with. Please notice the sarcasm.

Hello my lovely readers! It is yet another update, with a slight cliffhanger. Which don't worry, will be concluded very soon. How was the chapter? Fun, boring? I tried to make Hana and Asher back to their normal selves around each other, could you tell slightly?
Question:Do you plan on publishing a story one day?
Of course! I had actually wrote a story in eighth grade and my teachers had wanted to get it published but because I had no time with state testing I didn't get to have that happen. I had looked at publishing places over the summer had had got a few phone calls back, but I just sort of lost the mood to have that story published. Plus I really didn't like that story, like I don't think it really shows my strengths, so I don't want it published that much anymore.
Interesting fact: I don't know if I've already said it but I'm five nine.... And just in case I already did, I'll also add that hopefully, maybe, I'll be getting a tattoo on Friday!! Here's what I want...

 And just in case I already did, I'll also add that hopefully, maybe, I'll be getting a tattoo on Friday!! Here's what I want

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So I'm really excited about that and keep your fingers crossed that it will happen.
So see you soon my beautiful people and hopefully the next chapter goes down how I plan it to.

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