Chapter TwentyFour

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The media made me laugh for like thirty minutes straight. This has nothing to do with the chapter but I just wanted to show you all it, thinking you might think it's funny too.

Asher's POV

"Done." Xavier says and lays the paint brush onto my paint palette and raises up of the ground, bending his knees as the cracks fill the room.
"Dude you should probably get those things checked out. I don't think knees are supposed to sound like that."
He chuckles and stretches out his arms making his back make the same noise." Perks of being tall I guess."
I scrunch up my nose at him as I raise up myself, my knees popping as well but nothing like his." Should I be scared I start doing that?"
"You already are. It just wasn't as bad as mine."
I roll my eyes and take our paint brushes. I bite my lip as I look at the clock to see Gabriel should be coming at any moment." Can you keep a secret? Like one that you can not tell anyone? Like anyone?"
"It depends on what kind of secret."
I glance at him then the clock. He's going to find out sooner or later anyways if Gabriel just shows up." A boy is about to come and he's Hana's brother. I'm his tutor and he doesn't want anyone to know. Will you keep it a secret? I don't want him to get embarrassed."
"I thought Gabriel was really mean to you and Hana?" I shrug but nod after." And your tutoring him? After he picked on you all the time? And would be embarrassed about you tutoring him." I nod and he sighs, shaking his head." You're to nice."
"No I'm not. I just think if someone wants better grades and are serious about making a better life for themselves,then a person like me, should help them out and lead them in the right direction. No matter if their homeless, hateful, rich, or arrogant everyone deserves a second chance when it comes to their future."
He looks at me with squinted eyes." Again. You're to nice."
"And you're to mean. Guess we're opposites when it comes to helping people." I put my paint bottles back into my bag and take out my notebook and pen." I'm going to be totaling him in a couple of minutes, so there's going to be a delay of things here." I put my bag on my arm and walk out of the bookshelves, to the left side of the library where desks sit.
"It's not that I won't help people. It's just I don't think if someone was a dick to me, that i'd help their ego by forgiving them and helping them out. Dickheads deserve to stay at the bottom."
"Hm. Then how'd you get the title of being a nerd? Considering how you supposed to be at the bottom."
He grunts out, his nostrils flaring and brings his hands down to his sides." I'm leaving for lunch."
"You do that." I grumble out and sit my stuff on a desk and fall into one of the chairs." I need a life."
"Agreed." He hollers out and I roll my eyes, a smile forming on my lips.
"Oh shut up Mr.Cardigan wearer."
"You wear them too sweetheart."
Xavier's POV

"Have you seen Hana today?"
"No why?" I ask turning to Daniel, a root beer in hand. I pause before putting another dollar in there and getting another.
"Just wondering. It's not like her to miss two days in one week. She was fine yesterday afternoon..." His eyes darken slightly as he glances down and I see a mischievous glint go through them.
I squint at him as we get into the line to pick out what we want to buy." You two are fucking aren't you?"
He coughs as a redness goes to his ear, and he puts a fist over his mouth." H-how do you know?"
"Because you just confirmed it. And also every time you speak of her, you're eyes darken with lust. Which makes me wonder, if this is just a way to get back close with Asher or if it's to make her jealous. What are you wanting to happen? Hana tell her one day and she'll report back to you she went crazy? Do you think that if you tell her you're screwing her best friend that it'll make her want you back? That's not how girls work- well some of them do, but not Asher. And if you think that then you're doing it for nothing because Cole's around found himself inside of her life."
He frowns and shrugs before grabbing a bag of Doritos and I grab flaming hot Cheetos then a pack of Swedish Fish." Yeah... In first period today, I saw him and her in his car in the parking lot. And no I'm not banging Hana to get to Asher. I might as well enjoy the role of a boyfriend to her as I try to switch characters to Asher's."
"Don't come crying to me when she leaves you for dead. And I'd advise you not to look at her today if I was you. I see the look you get when she's wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, and I don't want to see you with seeing her today." I hand over my money to the lunch lady and she gives me a smile as she gives me back my change. I wait beside Daniel as he pays for his stuff and begin our walk to the back when his done.
"Every guy gets a look when they see her. Hell she even got Cole's attention in sweatpants and hoodie. It's just a her thing. A reason why I got so possessive when we were together. Imagine taking a girl in a date and every guy you pass staring at her as you pass? It gets annoying."
"I honestly think she's out of your league." I tell him and get a glance of Cole as he begins to walk up to our table.
"What? How? I'm a geek. She's a nerd."
"Exactly. She's smart. You're just good at games. She's kind. You're a prick. I can see why she hates you so badly. I'd honestly hate you if I was a girl too."
"I'd listen to you're friend geek. Because everything his stating is facts." Cole pats my shoulder and I tighten my grip on my root bear as I take a drink." Why you're still talking about Asher, I have no idea. Considering we already had a talk that she's mine. If you need proof, look at me. This afternoon, her family and I are going to a restaurant. That her father invited me to. I don't think you've even got an invitation from her mom to cut the lawn." He turns to me and glances at my shirt then back up at me." Are you new?" I nod and he does as well." That explains it. Though you do have a forgettable face." He raises all the way back to his full height and smirks down at Daniel." I just came over here to tell you how you're pathetic. And to rub into your face at how I'm winning this little game." With that he turns away and goes back to the popular table, that Gabriel is standing up
from and going out the front door." Why don't you ask Gabriel what's up with Hana?"
He swings at me and shakes his head." Because I don't want to get bitch slapped for even being around him on school property. Plus, what Hana has told everyone at her house is I'm her gay best friend. And gay best friends already know what's with their fiends."
I pause looking at him, with a Cheeto in my hand as chuckles leave my chest." That has to be the funniest thing I've heard today. Why she'd tell them you were gay?"
"So I was allowed to go upstairs with her when I was over for 'an assignment' or 'group project'. The first time she did that was actually the first time we.. You know."
"You had sex while her dad was downstairs?" Daniel's more savage than I thought.
"No. She um..." He points downward and I smirk.
"She gave you a BJ?" He nods and I shake my head before putting another Cheeto into my mouth." You two ate the most boring people I've ever met, yet your the biggest savages when alone. I respect that." I tell him and raise my fist, which he fist pumps. My hand looking like the hulks compared to his." I don't think Asher would do anything like that."
"She wouldn't. Why do you think I'm enjoying Hana as long as I can?"

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