Chapter Twelve

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I get up at my usual time during the mornings and look to find, dad still laying beside me. I carefully slide out of the bed, making sure not to wake him up before grabbing a pair of dark jeans my mom bought yesterday with holes and paint splatters all over them and a pink tank top like deal. I sneak into my bathroom and shut the door behind me before turning on the shower and stripping before hopping into it. The cold water seems to wash away the crappy feeling that seems to hang around my body, from the long night of sleep. I've never slept that much in one night since I had the flu, but my bodies reaction to that sleep was way happier then then it is right now. While I'm scrubbing my hair in shampoo I hear a knock on my door and my dads voice seconds after." Asher. Can I just quickly come in? I'm about to piss on myself out here. Are you decent?"
"I'm in the shower but you can come in. I'm behind two sets of shower curtains." I yell back out and fix the shower curtain to where there's no cracks between it and the walls.
"Thank god." Is all he says before slamming the door shut after him and I hear the toilet seat be lifted before the sound of A water fall echoes through the bathroom. My eyes go wide but I quickly shut them and just begin to wash my hair out good, making sure to get out all the suds before rehashing it all over again." I'm going to flush this and wash my hands. Will that change your water temperature any?"
"Maybe. But I'm using only cold water anyways."
"You're weird." Is all he says before flushing and begins to wash his hands in the sink. I hear the sound of my bathroom door close seconds later, then I begin to shave my legs. Which has grown to more a challenge over the years since I've been getting taller. Taller equals longer legs. And longer legs means more landscape to have to mow down. Which means more unnecessary physical activity. I hop out of the shower minutes later, feeling way better than before and quickly dry off before putting on the outfit I had previously picked out. The worst feeling in the world to me is newly shaved legs with lotion on them, and sliding into a pair of jeans. It makes me feel dirty and sweaty for some reason and makes me want to jump in the shower again. Is that just me? Or..... I brush out my long hair and begin to become frustrated with the tangles, until finally it's all out and my hair is thoroughly brushed. I hook up the blow drier before drying it all halfway and brush it again, then just braid it into two French braid piggy tails.I skip the mascara thinking it would just make me look like I tried to look like I cared about my appearance with this outfit, that being something I don't want. I slide on some deodorant and spray on some cotton candy perfume, before walking back out into my room to see my dad stretched out on my bed, his arms raised above his head and one leg hangs off the bed and the other touches the wall beside my bed.

I roll my eyes and grab another book bag, this one saying 'Talk Nerdy To Me' with a pair of nerd glasses like my own below the words. I put all my books in there along with everything else in my old bag then look at the clock to see its barely even six now. Lay back down? Yep. I make my way to my bed and just lay on top of dads back, the back of my head touching the back of his and the hells of my feet touching the back of his legs, just barely below the back of his knee caps.

"Good morning Asher. Or technically to me, it's still night. Why the hell do you get up at five Alcock in the morning today?"

"Because it makes me ready for when school is actually about to come because I've been up for so long that I don't have that morning tiredness. Plus I like to take showers before school. Considering that also wakes me up and usually it takes an hour itself just to fix my hair but today it didn't since I just braided it. Oh! And I also have to get up early so I can leave early, so I can pick up Hana. Which is your duty now, so just so you know..... We have to leave around 7:14."

He groans a little and ask," What time is it now?"

I glance over at my clock to see its now just a little over six thirty." Six thirty three. So i'd advice you to get up and do whatever you got to do because we got to leave in forty minutes."

He lets out a puff of air and I roll my eyes before he rolls over, causing me to be crushed underneath him." The worst mistake I ever made was to become an adult."

"Please. You're a bigger baby then me. And no the biggest mistake would of been you making adult actions while still being a baby."

"What adult actions did I make while being a baby? The government didn't fool me into paying taxes early did they?" He says with mock horror and a small smile forms on my face, even though it's currently crushed against my mattress because of the fatty laying on me.
"No. I was talking about having sex smart one."

He rolls over slightly, and cranes his neck so he can see my face and I see his eyes squinted as he inspects me." It was worth it considering I wouldn't of got you if I hadn't."

I roll my eyes and make myself lift him up by doing a push up." Get up and get ready, or when it comes time to leave you can go like that."
"Meanie." He mummers under his breath and walking to my bathroom door." By the way, I'm stealing your boxers and sweatpants."

I roll my eyes before resting my head back on the pillow." Whatever floats you're boat."
"How'd you know I boat a boat?"
I widen my eyes and turn around, but he slams the door behind him before I can prod. Whatever old man. You're going to have to get out of there soon anyways. I roll out of bed and slide on my converse and pick up my book bag before walking out and going down stairs, where I grab an apple and a water. I watch as the minutes tick by, and when I see we only have ten minutes until I usually leave, I walk up the stairs again to see dad just now coming out of my room." Thank god. I thought I drowned or something in there. I thought I was going to have to give you CPR." I turn back around after grabbing his arm and forcing him down the stairs." Grab an apple, it's all you have time for. We're leaving."

Dad grumbles under his breath but does as told( and puts the lotion on the skin- any Joe dirt fans?) and grabs an apple. He takes the last of my water and leads us out of the house and closes the door behind me before starting his car with his keychain." Does she live in the same house as last time I drove you there?"

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