Chapter TwentyFive

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Asher's POV
I bite my lip and look down at my hands that lay in my lap, questioning myself on how I could be so stupid to do something like that. I rock back and forth as I sit on the ground with my butt on my legs, trying to concentrate on something. Sebastian got a big bruise on his temple and could possibly have a concussion from the fall. Who's to blame? Me. Did I have a good reason to and was trusted by the principal? Yes. But I'm still going to be the girl who knocked out Mr. BadBoy. No one will never look at me as the nerd again.
"Asher. It's alright honey. It was self defense and the boy deserved it." Mrs.Connie soothes to me as she pays my shoulders and I shake my head.
"It all still screwed up." I say with my voice shaking. I wipe my hands on my thighs and stand up off the ground. Dad wouldn't be proud of you going unstable after fighting off an attacker. He'll just make you wait longer for the street fights. I take a deep breath and let it slowly before looking over at the desk in the library to see Xavier and Daniel sitting there. They got questioned to be as witnesses when the principal got involved. The office said they'd keep it on a low but when will one of them 'accidently' let it slip to a student and the whole school knows about it?" I'm sorry. I'm okay now." I glance at the clock to see it's an hour until school's over." Oh. Mrs.Connie I'd love to finish the library but I have to get ready." She nods and I give her a small smile before picking up my bag and going into the personal bathroom for her. I lock the door behind me and pull out my little makeup bag and sit it on the sink before touching up my hair, and making the curls go back into place. I sigh before rolling my shoulders and getting out the concealer. I do each step carefully, making sure to blend it as good as I can get it and mixing my foundations so I get the color close enough to my skin tone. I suck in my jaws and contour my cheeks then my jaw and forehead, then go to eyebrows. Nothing to crazy, just following my original ones and filling then in. I carefully and slowly do my eyes makeup, it being a dark smokey eye with cat eyes,knowing with the dark colors no mistake can be fully undone. I clamp my eyelashes and put mascara on, then simply put a matte ran lipstick. I sigh out and put the sitting spray on and fan myself from the workout I just done. How I know how to do this? A mother who monthly comes up to my room with a laptop and makes me watch makeup tutorials with her. Their fun to watch though, so I'm not really complaining. And it's a good skill to have for when you need to use it. I put all the stuff back into the makeup purse and wipe off the kitchen sink, spraying my face on last time before walking out the door and sitting my bag on the desk. I grab my heels, glancing to see it took me fifty minutes to just do that, and only having ten minutes left. I cringe at the sweater that still sits over my dress and wonder how I'm going to take it off without running what just spent a lot of time and effort on. I grab a pair of scissors and look through the bookshelves and sigh once I find Mrs.Connie inspecting our paintings. She looks up at me and smiles, looking at all the makeup I have hiding my skin and shaking her head slightly." Um Mrs.Connie? Can you cut this sweater off of me? I don't want to smudge my face."
She nods and takes the scissors from me and I turn around, lifting my hair up with my arms as she goes down the back of the sweater with the scissors." Here you go." She says taking the sweater off me and sitting the scissors down on the shelf." You look beautiful Asher. As always."
"Thanks Mrs.Connie." She smiles and lats me on the back." Well the boys cleaned up all the mess and are now eating the last of my donuts at the desks. I told them to save you some- though I'd go get them now just in case."
I nod and go to the left side of the library, knowing I can eat the donuts but wanting my Swedish fish. I walk behind them and take the seat beside of Xavier and I front of Daniel and sit my heels on the top of the desk." You mentioned Swedish Fish?"
The two look up at me, seeming frozen in place. Xavier glances at Daniel, who I don't even turn to, and nods at me and sits the root bear down along with the Swedish Fish in front of me.
"You didn't have to get me anything." I tell him and open the pack of the jealous candy." Especially after me yelling at you like that. I apologize for that. It's just I've been stressed out a lot lately."
"Well, you should feel a little better blowing off steam on Cole like that." I roll my eyes and reach him the pack and he grabs one out and I slap Daniel's hand when he tries to reach for one.
"Keep those Peter beaters to yourself." I growl out and his mouth hangs open and Xavier wipes at his face, a chuckle escaping his lips that shake from trying to stop a smile.
"What does that even mean?"
I squint at Daniel, giving him a 'are you really that dumb look?'." It means keep those hands, that give hand jobs, away from my food. Or should I say fingering? You and Hana seem to be doing that frequently."
"What? Jealous?" He smirks, a glint in his eyes and I lift an eyebrow.
"Over what? You? You're as stupid as I remember. You and Hana can date for however long that you want. Though you're going to have to keep it more secretive considering she's grounded from everything right now."
"What? Is that why she wasn't here today? Her dad kept her home?"
"No, he didn't keep her at home because she was grounded. She's not here because she's at the gynecologist. Her dad walked in on the two of you last night and she got chewed out this morning. Funny how someone who no longer is going to communicate with her knows more about what's going on then the person screwing her. Slob." I put a Swedish Fish in my mouth and chew it, turning from him to Xavier." Don't you think it's hilarious? Poor Daniel doesn't know the motto. If you can't shield your rocket, leave it in your pocket."
"Woah, woah,woah,woah. Language Asher." A body rhinos inside the chair beside me and I look over to see it's dad. His hair is gelled back, showing all the tattoos above and behind his ear, and he wears a tight white button up shirt that molds to his body- which is probably what he was going for. He holds a bow tie in one hand and one of his phones in the other." And why are you using safe sex slogans?"
"Just using them in Daniel. He hasn't been using protection. I think you need to give him the talk."
Daniel squints in confusion as I smirk, and dad gasps and turns to Daniel." Yes I do." He gets on his phone and seconds later puts it in Daniel's face, making him gag and look away from the phone." That my son, is a bad case of STD's. "He takes his phone back and scrunches up his nose before sitting it back down." That was the same picture I showed Asher when I had this talk with her when she was what ten?" I shrug and he does as well before looking back at Daniel." And you can also get what I got. A child. I was you're age when Asher was brought into my life, and I don't regret it, but I wouldn't want anyone else having to go through raising a child when your still one yourself. The speech I gave Asher was much more terrifying than this one but you still need to listen. I'm going to use her strategy but I want you to look me in the the eyes while I say them to you, so you'll be creeped out and listen. Cover your stump before you hump. Wrap it in latex or she'll get your pay checks. If your not going to sack it, go home and whack it. If you're nude, tube your dude. Don't be silly, cover your willie. Don't make a mistake, cover your snake. Cover your hose and curl her toes. Asher, do you have anymore?"
I hold down the massive laughs that are going through me, making snorting sounds in the process and raise a finger up to him." Wait. Wait." I take a deep breath and let out a chuckle before saying,"Cloak the joker, before you poke her. Stop the stream before you cream."
He points to me and says,"Those are good ones. I like those. So." He turns back to Daniel, who has a blank expression on his face, his eyes partially wide." Get what we're saying?" Daniel nods quickly and dad turns his attention to Xavier." And who are you?"
"Xavier. And you?"
"Asher's father. Richard." He squints his eyes at him and Xavier looks straight back at him." Are you a friend of Asher's?" Xavier shrugs and dad nods, sitting back in his chair." No one likes you Asher." Dad whispers to me and I roll my eyes.
"I guess it's something we have I common then." I whisper back and he squints at me.
"Why are we whispering?"
"I don't know."
"Don't threaten me like that again." He looks at his watch and frowns before looking at his phone." Well, we should be leaving. Three minutes until schools over and I doubt you want to be seen in my car with that outfit on." He grabs my heels and I open my mouth to tell him I need them, when he picks me up with one arms and grabs my Swedish Fish and puts it in my book bag along with my root bear, then slinging Jr. Over his shoulder." You walk to slow in heels and I don't plan on being late to the dinner." He explains and begins to ask us out of the library." Click it or get a ticket!" He yells before exiting the library and once the doors shut he looks down at me. "I heard what happened today with Cole. Asher, I'm sorry. Though I'm proud of you for being able to take care of yourself like that."
"It's okay. And thanks. Even though I think it was a bit over the top to stab him in the leg."
"What? No. If anything you should've aimed a little higher and got him where it really hurt. It happened to one of my fried s once and the poor thing couldn't pee properly afterwards. He'd be titled downhill yet it always go upward.."
"Okay dad. TMI."
"Whatever. And stay away from that Daniel boy. Hana's dad called me this morning and explained everything."
"Don't worry dad. I've hated him years before this even occurred."

Sorry the updates late but I accidentally fell asleep while writing. So how was it though? And what was you're favorite thing that's happened in the story so far? Actually that's a great question. I going to use it for my question.
Question: what's you're favorite thing that's happened in the story so far?
Asher and her dad just snuggling together after their fight. Do I need an explanation? It's just adorable and cute and I love scenes like that. And a scene I have prepared to come at the end of the story is my favorite part that hasn't happened yet. It's a kissing scene! Who do you think the two people are?
Interesting fact about me: I like watching tv commercials more than j do the actual shows that come on. Especially the weird ones.. It's just heaven for me.
Please comment, vote, and keep reading and hopefully I will see you soon! Also feel free to answer the questions above and say an interesting fact about you. Oh! And ship names! Any body come up with ship names? It's literally for any characters in the book you ship together. And tell me who you ship.
Views:900. Again, we're just getting back into using this so this number isn't final. I'll probably wait till late evening to update tomorrow if we don't make it to that many. See you later beautiful people!

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