Chapter Seven

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Asher's POV
"Can't they hurry?"
I begin to repeatedly hit my head against the wall as my father paces back and forth. He's never liked doctors office, for many reasons but most he won't tell me. My fathers childhood basically was surrounded around hospitals. With his recklessness and excitement for danger he often spent his nights getting stitches or casts. But the biggest reason of why he doesn't like the hospitals is because of his brother.

My father lives in a rough neighborhood when he was a child, and it wasn't unusual for hit and runs or drive by shooting to happen just down the road from his house. One night his one and only brother was running late one night and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. My father had watched most of his brothers blood run out of his body when he was just twelve years old at a hospital, and witnessed his brothers life drain out of his eyes before he took his last breath. "It takes awhile for a cat scan to come in dad." I say the billionth time, hoping my aggregation isn't clear in my voice. I understand his hatred of hospitals but I also understand how all I want to do is punch him in the mouth so he'll shut up.
"We've been in here for hours. Surely it doesn't take this long for a simple picture to load."

"We've been here for forty five minutes." I say checking the time and realize mom should be getting off work right about now." Dad just leave if you want. Mom's off work meaning she can come pick me up after they've got this down and over with. I know her phone number and my insurance information. I'm fine."

He glances up at me a scowl turning down his eyebrows." No I'm not leaving you and stop hitting your head against the wall."
"No, maybe if I hit it hard enough I'll lose my hearing or something so I can't hear your bitching."

"Whatever just don't cuss in front of your mother okay? And I'll stop the bitching if you stop the hitting."
"Okay." Is all I say and I remember Xavier with his annoying little okays. I wasn't even at school for a third of the day and yet it feels like I've had a weeks amount from everything that's went down. I smirk remembering how he went along with my hate of Daniel and made a jock of his clothes. Not that I have anything against Hot Topic or games, it's just when you hate someone you get annoyed by the smallest little things they do. Anyone else could wear a Minecraft or Call of Duty shirt and I'd be okay with it, I might even compliment it, but I wouldn't dare with Daniel.
"What's with the change of expressions?" Dad asks me and j look up at him to see him smirking as well, all he watches me intensely. My father is another example of the Daniel situation. He's covered in tattoos, has piercings and tattoos and I'm cool with it, I like having a cool and tough dad like that. But the bad boys at my school? Absolutely hate them. I'm just weird like that.

I shrug,"Just something I remember that happened at school."

He squints at me and he seems to find what his searching for in my eyes before a goofy smile forms on his face." Something? Or someone?"

I roll my eyes and lay down, facing the wall so I don't have to see him." Oh my god."
"So it is?" I hear his footsteps come closer to me and I tense as his gigantic shadow looms over me." Who is he? Or she?" He shakes me slightly and I can't help but smile at his annoyingness. My father looks like and gives you the vibe of a hulk that's ready to destroy you at any moment, which he is if he doesn't know you or like you, but he's like a toddler/teddy bear once you get to know him.... Or your his daughter. And sadly children and teddy bears are one of my greatest weaknesses. That along with cat tails... Not the plants either. Like actual tails that belong to cats. They look like giant mutated caterpillar snakes that are going to eat your soul. A reason I've never had or probably will have a pet cat."I'm not judging."
"He's just the new kid and I was just remembering a joke he made in class."

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