Chapter 9

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"I'll sleep on the couch?" I questioned

"You can sleep in my bed I'll sleep on the ground." Jen replied

"You sleep in your bed I'll sleep on the ground it's fine."

"Well it's like 10:00 right now, what do you wanna do?"

"We can I mean I don't even know."

"How about we go in my room and watch some tv?"

"Sure I guess that'll be fine."

We walk up into her room and I get a text and I read it right away its from Ashley it read 'come home now.' I explained to Jen that I had to leave and it was sudden notice. I walked across the street and entered the house quietly I lock the door behind me and I quietly went upstairs. Ashley was in my room sitting on my made bed.

"Why are you in here?" I said

"I wanted to make sure you got home." Ashley said

"Why did I have to come home?"

"Your dad said to get you home by 10:30 or he would do something to you."

"Justin not dad and he's gonna hit me anyways he always does."

Ashley got up and said "clean up your room and you have a half day tomorrow 12:45 walk or skateboard whatever you wanna do to get there"

I couldn't sleep I laid in my bed and looked at my ceiling and played some music to hopefully get me to fall asleep I kept looking at my phone at any little notification hoping it was Lydia or her mom with good news. I soon enough fell asleep at around 4-5 in the morning. It was 6 when I woke up with bags under my eyes and swollen red eyes from crying. I frantically grabbed my phone and looked to see if there was any missed calls from Lydia or anyone, but there was nothing no message. I get up and begin to get dressed and get ready for the day while still keeping an eye on my phone. I just hope she's ok. I walk out the door with my skateboard and hop on it and cruse my way to school. Feeling the wind blowing past me and each of the bumps I go over on my path. Listening to Crown the Empire Makeshift Chemistry on the loudest setting. Waiting for a message losing my mind in the meantime. I reach school sense it was a half day I only had 3 classes in all of those classes it felt like time went by so slow felt like a full day went by having my full attention on my phone vibrating I wasn't even paying attention to my first day in school. Getting lost and not knowing where classes were to not knowing if Lydia was ok.

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