Chapter 20

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We head to her house and I'm so emotional by now. I check my phone and there's not much but missed calls from Justin and death treats from him. I ignore everything thing and look out the window on the quiet ride home with the radio playing. Thoughts filling my head, it's so late now we were there in the hospital for awhile.

"We're here." I heard Lydia's mom say

I fell asleep in the ride home I guess. I had been so exhausted from everything. We get inside the house and I take my vans off then lied down on the couch. Lydia's mom gets me a blanket and turns off the lamp, I slowly drift to sleep.

The next morning I'm awaken by yelling that Lydia is awake and we rush down to the hospital no showers just enough time to brush our teeth it's 6:43 in the morning. I'm so excited to see her I wanted to cry. Arriving to the hospital we walk quickly to get up to her room. The nurses are talking to her and she looks over to the door as we walk in her mom hugs her and starts crying and I'm just standing there in shock. She was so beautiful her eyes sparkling. She looks at me and I approach her and embrace her. I missed her hugs I was so emotional. The nurses said that she had been talking for awhile seems like a full recovery and that after a few hours she should be able to go home.

"hey sweetheart how are ya feeling?" Lydias mom asks

"I feel fine mom, how long have I been here?"

"It's been almost a week now, you were in a coma..."

I sit down in a chair and we all began to talk and catch up the nurses were coming in and out putting her through walking tests, talking, and seeing tests to provide information on when she could go home.Lydia's mom had work today at 9:30 to 6:00 so I was told to keep an eye on Lydia and call her if Lydia needed anything. After talking and laughing for a little more than one hour it was 8:16 and the nurses gave her some clothes to change into and sent her home. When we all get back home Lydia's mom starts to get ready for work while me and Lydia watch some tv and play some games. Lydia's mom kisses her on the head then heads off to work. It's just me and Lydia now home alone. She's so beautiful and smells so sweet.

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