Chapter 24

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The splashes of water and screams from kids around us enjoying their time in the water. I had to enjoy the most of my time.

"Hey I think I see a little fishy!" Lydia speaks out of excitement

I look down into the water I see nothing.

"Is this some kind o..."

Lydia pushes me under for the second time ooooh I was gonna let it go but not now! Still under water I pull Lydias legs and she loses balance and falls beneath the water. I come up and wipe the water from my eyes.

"Ok ok I'm done seriously!" Lydia informed still giggling.

After a while swimming and talking and handstands and flips in the water we get out to dry off and head home. We ended up stopping at a shop for fro-yo. Damn I love fro-yo! My phone goes off it's just Ashley asking when I'll be able to fly back home. I'm not sure because I don't wanna ever go. Later the night her moms cooking dinner by the time it's done the table is set and we're all seated to eat. Mid dinner Lydia starts shaking her whole body. She drops the fork and starts to fall off the stool I catch her and turn her on her side. Her mom is screaming and crying trying to call the police. She's having a seizure I didn't know what to do then let her go through it. Her eyes were rolling back, I couldn't help but cry. Lydias moms still on the phone with the police walking us through what to do, how to help. Sirens in the distance but she stops moving. Just before they arrive her eyes closed her breathing stopped.

"Please hold on a bit longer Lydia!" I shouted

I didn't mean to make her mom cry more with that statement. The front door was open and the police and paramedics run in so quickly it was like one singe heartbeat.

"NO PAULSE!" A paramedic shouts

All race to get her up and into the MMR.

"Are you the mother?"asked an officer

"Yes yes yes! Is my baby okay?! PLEASE tell me she's okay!"

"And your name?"

"Diana, is my baby okay!" She shouts in distress

"I'm taking both of you to the hospital but you'll have to wait until the paramedics are done."

We all walk out of the house the MMR is already gone, just two police cars and two officers. We follow the officer to the vehicle I sit in the back letting Diana sit in the passenger seat next to the officer. That drive was full of tears and thoughts. The drive was so uneasy I was so worried. Soon enough we were at the hospital the officer lets me out, however Diana is already gone. At the doors of the ER.

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