Chapter 12

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I heard pounding on the door then nothing I waited a few hours then texted my mom to see if it was clear to come down. She told me he passed out so I hugged Fae once more.

"Don't and I mean don't do anything to upset him mainly stay in your room locked or stick around mom ok just be careful if you need anything and I mean anything just call I don't leave until tomorrow." I told her

After that I snuck out of the house and went across the street to Jen's. I had no where else to go I didn't care I knocked on her front door and her dad answered.

"Who are you?" He asked sternly

"Mr. Welsburg I'm Alex I just moved in across the street I need to talk to your daughter Jen."

"Are you her boyfriend she never told me about a boyfriend." He gave me a dirty glare

"No I have a girlfriend back at home I'm not dating your daughter sir were just friends."

"JENNIFER, you can come in she'll be down in a bit." He said as he walked into the kitchen

He was quite tall with gray hair and wearing a suet he looked very formal. Jen walked down the stairs and signaled me to come up. I walked up the stairs after her and had to ask if I could spend the night she told me that her dad was leaving at like 5 and it was around 4:40 and she told me to leave and pretend like I'm going home at around close to 5 and to come back when he leaves for work. Until then we chilled and talked but her dad came in the room and asked to speak with her he pulled her into the hallway I could hear what he was saying.

"I don't like him he looks like a troubled boy skinny jeans and buses and cuts like he gets into fights." Her dad said

"He's not a bad guy he has personal issues with family and stuff don't judge him were just friends." She said

"Nothing more and he leaves soon pretty soon."

"I know dad because you have work I told him this."

Jen came back in her room and apologized.

"Why it's not your fault he doesn't like me." I stated

"I'll be back its 4:57 so I'll be back soon." I whispered

"Ok well bye nice talking to you." she said and walked me out the door.

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