Chapter 28- Falling For A Thug

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He was bad.. he smoked, he broke the law, he drove too fast for his own good. He didn't care because no one taught him how to. But when it came to her, he wanted to be the best man. He couldn't bare the thought of her being hurt by him.. or anyone else. He would kill to protect her, the girl who cared about someone as worthless as him in all her perfection.


I stepped into the trap and immediately all eyes were on me, I was greeted by several of my men but I paid them no attention as I went down to the dungeon to see what the fuck was going on. I passed the guard and walked in the room to see four men tied up in chairs with all the boys, and then some standing around the room. Even my dad was there.

"What the hell was so important that I had to leave New York and come back here with y'all?" I snapped as I made my presence known.

"Blaze, sit," my dad ordered, I looked at him as if he were crazy.

"No, what is this? Ion got time for this shit."

"These are the men that made the arrangement for you to be killed," Mike informed me as he shot daggers at all the men, I rose a brow. "And this man right here-" he said pointing to the bruised guy in the front. "-is the one that had the gut to pull the trigger on you three times."

For a while I didn't say anything, I just stared at them as the memories from that night flashed through my head.

~The Night Of The Shooting~

"Aye, where the hell is the bag?" Jermaine asked confused as he turned side to side looking for it.

"In my hand dumb ass, now come on," I told him as I pushed him forward, he mugged me.

"Y'all strapped?" Mike asked, we all nodded before passing guards and stepping inside of the abandoned warehouse.

"Well, well, well.. you must be the famous Blaze that everyone speaks so highly of," the man said with a smirk as he stood up and held his hand out for me to shake it, I eyed it suspiciously. He goes by the name Matt and I don't know why, but I'm not getting a good vibe from this nigga. I looked him in his eyes and shook his hand firmly.

"So, how long have you lived up in Atlanta? Have a seat-"

"Nah, I'll stand. There's no need for all this extra conversation. I didn't come here for all of that. I just want my money."

"No beating around the bush, I see? You're a straight forward kind of guy, I like that," he smirked again as he sat down and lit up a cigar. One thing my dad taught me about the drug business was to be careful on how much information about myself I reveal to the others, cause they'll use that shit against you with no hesitations at all. "Boys!" he called out causing me and Mike to share a look. Mike slowly moved his hand up to grab his gun that was on his waistband, but I held my hand out to stop him and lightly shook my head no.

Three large men dressed in all black appeared in the large open space with a bag in hand.

"You got what I asked for?" Matt asked me, I folded my arms across my chest and looked at him. Something wasn't right.

"Open your bag first," I demanded, he laughed.

"What, you don't trust me? How about we exchange our bags at the same time? Toss em' on the ground," he suggested. He motioned something to the guy behind him and they tossed the bag on the ground. I nudged Jermaine in the side and instructed for him to toss our bag also.

"That's 900g's in our bag, right?" I asked as Jermaine picked it up. He passed it to me and I opened it and felt my blood turn cold as I threw the bag on the ground. It was fucking Monopoly money.

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