Chapter 35- Falling For A Thug

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I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I only ever mess things up.
I'm sorry that I have a bad attitude.
I'm sorry I'm a waste of space.
I'm sorry I'm a waste of time.
I'm sorry I'm such a burden.
I'm sorry I'm a huge fuck up.
I'm sorry I can't do anything right.
I'm sorry.


When I woke up I had no idea where I was. I tried to sit up but the pain in my head caused me to to lay back down. It felt like someone was banging me in the head with a hammer continuously.

"Ugh," I groaned. The room door flew open revealing Jermaine, Sasha and Chad. I looked at them confused.

"About time you wake up, it's almost noon," Jermaine told me as he sat down at the edge of the bed. Sasha took a seat on the other side of me and Chad just stood in the corner with a guilty look on his face.

"Where the fuck am I at?" I asked causing Sasha to let out a small laugh.

"After everything that happened, they brought you here since my place was the closest from the club," she said, I still stared at them confused.


"You don't remember anything that happened last night?" Jermaine questioned, I shook my head.


"Remember the girl that was gon help us with the deal? Chad's cousin? We met her at the strip club last night? Well anyway, she took you up to a room, drugged you, gave you head and then I guess Sasha came-"

"Woah woah woah, back the fuck up. What happened?" I cut him off by asking as I quickly sat up in the bed, ignoring my headache.

"Uh... Sasha you handle this. Chad come get some water with me," Jermaine said before him and Chad rushed out the room. Once they left I looked at Sasha and waited for her to explain, she sighed.

"You know my cousin Tiffany right?" I nodded. "Well her and Lulu are good friends, and Lulu is Chad's cousin-"

"Do you have a picture of her or some shit? Cause I really don't know who Lulu is," I told her. She nodded and grabbed her phone off the dresser. Few seconds later, she passed me her phone that showed a picture of the girl. As soon as I looked at the picture, all of the memories from last night flooded into my head.

"I'm guessing you remember now?" she asked quietly. I dropped her phone on the bed and stood up, my shirt wasn't on my body and the only thing I was wearing was a black pair of jeans. Where is my shirt?

"Oh my gosh. Shit, shit, shit," I groaned gripping my hair tightly in my hands as I paced the floor. I winced at the pain in my head but that wasn't my main concern right now.

"Do you want some Tylenol or something for your head? I can get it for you, it's in the kitchen?" she suggested. I nodded and followed her out the room. Chad and Jermaine were in the kitchen talking and looked at us when we came in.

"Blaze, I'm-" before Chad could say anything, I grabbed him by his neck and slammed him against the wall.


"Did you know your cousin was gonna drug me? And don't you even fucking think about lying to me cause Chad I swear I will kill your ass," I snapped through clenched teeth. He looked at me with wide, fearful eyes and shook his head no frantically.

"N-No! Blaze I swear on my life I d-didn't know!" Mike walked in through the front door and once he realized what was going on, he grabbed me and pulled me away from Chad.

"Blaze, the fuck? Since when Chad became the enemy?" he asked confused.

"He's not, Blaze was just asking did he know his cousin was gonna drug him," Jermaine explained to him.

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