Chapter 32- Falling For A Thug

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He found her most beautiful not when she was all fancied up, but when she wasn't. When she was was lying on the carpet, her hair all a mess, laughing about something that happened years ago. When she wasn't trying to impress anyone, and taken down the wall she built for most people. That's when he couldn't take his eyes off her.


"Can I ask you a question?" Mookie asked me as we drove back home from her appointment. She's a healthy three months pregnant and they said as of now, the baby is the size of a green olive.. which means I shall never eat another green olive again.

"Go ahead," I told her, turning the music down in the truck so I can hear her better.

"You never told me what happened to Chuck. I haven't seen him in like a month," she said causing me to sigh.

"You haven't seen him cause baby Chuck is dead."

"Dead?! Oh my gosh, what happened?"

"We killed him," I told her with a shrug. I could feel her looking at me wide eyed but I refused to meet her gaze.

"Y'all killed him? What kind of friend are you, Blaze? You killed him!" she yelled at me.

"Don't ask me what kind of friend I am, Chuck was the one that was fake as fuck. That nigga was planning to have my head, so we just got his first," I tried to reason but she wasn't hearing it.

"Ya'll are evil."

"But you love my evil ass tho," I told her with a smirk, she rolled her eyes. I stopped by and got her chikfila before taking her to the house.

"Coco! Come here girl!" I called as I walked in my backyard. I hear her chain before I saw her running towards me at full speed. "Hey girl," I cooed as I rubbed her fur.

I patted my thigh and motioned for her to follow me back out front to my truck. I opened the passenger door for her and let her hop in before closing the door after her. When Monique saw me putting Coco in the truck, she looked at me confused.

"Wait, you aren't coming in with me?" she asked, I shook my head no.

"I told you I have errands to run today, I won't be home until tonight-"

"Tonight? You know what, just drop me off home," she said closing the front door and heading back to my truck, I scrunched up my face as I looked at her.

"What the hell? For what?"

"Cause I came here to spend time with you, not wait in your house all day as you hang out at your trap house around naked hoes all day that you've probably slept with before. So take me home Blaze."

"I'm not about to be at the trap all day, I have fucking errands to run and shit to do. I've been too busy trynna please you that I haven't even been there in about a damn week," I told her, she rolled her eyes.

"You didn't deny it."

"Didn't deny what?" I asked.

"That you've slept with some of the girls at the trap," she said with an attitude, I looked at her in disbelief.

"You know what? Fuck it, I'm done doing this shit with you. Get yo ass in the truck," I snapped at her.

"How am I supposed to get in the truck if you have your damn dog in the front seat?"

"It's three seats in the back, so sit yo ass back there," I told her as I got in and closed my door. When I noticed she hasn't gotten in yet, I clenched me fist and looked at her. "What the fuck is wrong now?"

Falling For A ThugWhere stories live. Discover now