Chapter 42- Falling For A Thug

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The best feeling in the world is finally knowing you took a step in the right direction. A step towards the future where everything that you never thought possible, is possible.


"Blaze I can't do it anymore, I can't," Mookie cried as her face was covered in sweat. I wiped the hair from her forehead and cupped her face.

"Yes you can, and you will. Just look straight at me, okay? Don't take your eyes off me," I instructed her as I took her hand, she whimpered in pain and I felt bad because I hated seeing her this way, knowing that there was nothing I could do to help.

"It hurts so bad.." she complained to me squeezing her eyes shut and gripping my hand tighter, I sighed.

"I know it does baby, but you can do this. You know how I know? Because you're strong," I comforted as I pampered her with kisses and sweet words. "Just one last push, come on. Aren't you ready to meet our Babygirl?"

"Okay," she said taking a deep breath. "I can do this."

"I need you to give me one more hard push, are you ready?" The doctor asked, she nodded.

"I'm ready."

And with that, Monique squeezed the living hell out of my hand and screamed to the top of her legs as she pushed Adrianna all the way out. I purposely kept my eyes on Monique because if I looked down there I feared I would either throw up or pass out.

A few seconds later I heard the most beautiful sound that caused a chill to go down my spine.

It was the sound of my baby girl.

My child.

"You did it," I praised Mookie softly and pressed a kiss to her forehead and then to her lips, she smiled weakly up at me.

"No, we did it. I wouldn't have been able to do this without you."

"Would you like to cut the cord?" the nurse interrupted and asked me, catching me off guard. I looked at her wide eyed.


"The umbilical cord, do you want to cut it?" she repeated with a small smile.

"Um, sure," I hesitantly grabbed the scissors from her hand and placed them to the long ass cord that was connected to my baby. I closed my eyes briefly and snapped the scissors closed easily but jumped when Adrianna started to cry harder.

"Did I do something wrong? Why is she crying like that?" I asked frowning my face up, I was getting a headache. Why is my child so upset?

"No, this is normal. Don't worry she's fine," the nurse assured me. I watched her closely as she cleaned up Adrianna in the corner of the room. She was giving her a bath and washing her hair. I refused to hold her with all that blood and guts on her. That shit was gross and weird looking.

"Can I hold her now?" Monique asked the nurse once she realized Adrianna was all cleaned up.

"Of course."

As she handed Adrianna to her mom, I stepped out into the hallway to let them know that the baby was here. But instead of inviting them all in, I politely asked for them to go home and give us this night alone before coming back in the morning. Mookie was tired and I knew she probably didn't want all those people around right now. Plus, I just wanted to spend the night with my two girls alone. Daniella was going back home with my dad so I had nothing to worry about.

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