Chapter 33- Falling For A Thug

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I can see the pain behind your eyes, it's been there for quite a while. I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile. I would like to show you what true love can really do. Let me love you until you learn to love yourself.


I don't know why the fuck I was so nervous to go inside this school house. All I gotta do is ask to speak to Daniella, make sure she straight, then leave. It's simple, really simple.

"How may I help you?" the old lady behind the front desk asked me, I scratched my head.

"I'm here to see Daniella Williams? I brought her lunch."

"Who are you to her?" she asked narrowing her eyes at me. Damn.

"Family friend."

"And what's your name?"

"Dezmond Legend," she stared at me a second later before giving me a pass to head to the cafeteria. I haven't been to this damn school in so long I almost forgot where it was at.

"Who are you here for?" the dean asked me as soon as he saw me.

"Daniella Williams," he nodded.

"Have a seat and we'll send her over to your table, son," I looked around for a free table and headed that way. As I walked I could feel the stares and hear the whispers from the students but I paid them no mind because I know they knew who I was. I sat down and placed the Chikfila on the table before getting comfortable and pulling out my phone.

Chad: Can I talk to you later??

is Mookie okay?

Chad: Yes, she's fine. She's laying down, but that's not what it's about.

what is it then

Chad: I think I know someone who can be a help to us..

I'll talk to you when I get home. give me an hour or so

When I heard footsteps, I looked up to see a teenage girl sitting down in front of me. Her skin was a dark Carmel color, she had hazel green eyes like me, with thick long brown hair going down her back. She was a small girl and she was skinny, but not too skinny. But at the same time it looks like she could eat more.

This girl was my sister.

"I know who you are," she started off. I leaned back in my seat and folded my arms across my chest.

"Is that so?" I asked raising a brow, she nodded.

"I mean... the whole school, and town knows you. But that's not how I know you though."

"Then how you know me?"

"You're Dezmond, and you're my older brother. Lucia used to show me pics of you when I was little, so yeah. I know who you are," I sat up and looked at her. If she knows who I am than this could ruin the whole thing.

"Don't call me Dezmond, it's Blaze," was the first thing I could think to say. "Does your family know who I am to you?"

"No.. I never told anyone because I never thought you would come around, and I didn't know you knew me," she said with a small smile, I nodded slowly.

"I just found out about you. I'm here to.. get to know you I guess. I brought you food," I told her motioning to the chikfila on the table.

"I can eat it?" I scrunched up my face.

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