Chapter 8

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James 👆

Me and Claire make our way to Sara who's chugging a beer

"easy there" I say with a laugh to Sara when I walk up to her

"cheap beer is my favorite" Sara smiles at me

"where can I get me a cup of that" I say she points to the kitchen

"get me one" Claire ask me

I make my way to the kitchen trying to get by all the sweaty teenagers, I then see a keg and red solo cups everywhere how cliche I'm expected to see someone doing a chugging contest.

I grab a cup and pour some beer in it "hey" someone says behind me

I turn around and see a guy "hi" I reply back

"Are you having fun?" He asks me I can tell he's a little drunk

"I just got here" I shrug

"So the first thing you do is grab a drink my kind of girl" he says with a wink

"I had to if I'm going to deal with all the drunk guys trying to hit on me" I smirk

I look behind him and see Tyler staring at us his jaw clenched and he turns around and storms back into the living room I don't know why but I feel the need to go after him.

I try but no name guy grabs my arm "where are you going beautiful"

"Please don't touch me" I tell him nicely

"You know you like it" he smirks

I look at him and it takes everything in my power not to snap his neck, but I take a different approach and I know I shouldn't do this with everyone around but I don't want him trying this on some other girl so I look straight into his eyes and use one of my vampire power that we possess we can compel make people do what we want it, only works on human not any other supernatural creatures.

"you will take your hand off of me and stop this bad boy act, you will respect woman and get your life together I don't know find a hobby or something now your going to call a uber and go home"

he has a blank expression then he say "I'm sorry I'm going to go home now" and walks off

I grab another cup of beer and make my way to the living room I spot Claire and Sara "here's your beer" I say while I hand Claire her beer

"what took you so long" Claire's say

"got held up sorry" I say as I chug my beer it takes a lot of liquor to even give me a buzz

"cute guy alert" Sara says

"Where?" Claire ask looking around

"The guy in the corner talking to zac I'll be back" she smirks as she walks over to him

"She can do so much better" Claire says as she rolls her eyes

"Where is everyone else?" I try not to panic

"Well we both know where Sara is,
Michael is over there on his phone being a party pooper and James is making out with a girl in the corner" she says trying to hide the disgust in her voice "and Tyler is umm there he is on the couch with a girl on his lap that's weird" she says genuinely shocked

I look over to the couch and I see him with some girl on his lap he must sense me looking at him because he looks over at me and smirks and kisses her.

I don't know why but I'm mad I feel like he doing it to get a rise out of me, I turn to Claire "I'll be right back"

I then make my way to this random guy who's talking to who knowns who, I tap on his shoulder and he turns around and smiles "hey there"

"Hi" I then I kiss him, not my proudest moment but if Tyler wanted to make me mad ill show him but this guy is a horrible kisses, after awhile I pull away and look over at Tyler who looks like he wants to rip this guy apart, I just smirk at him and look at who ever I just kissed "thanks have a nice night"

I walk back over to Claire who is laughing "wow that was hot"

"Trust me it wasn't" I wipe my mouth with my sleeve "what time is it"

"It's 12:00" Claire's says while she looks at her phone

It's getting late "I think we should go home"

"Nooo I don't want to go home" Claire's whines "my dad will kill me if he thinks I been drinking"

"Okay then you guys can come crash at my house my uncle won't mind now go to the car while I get everyone else" I say in a motherly tone

"Fine mom" she huffs but then smiles as she sways walking to the door I then walk over to Michael who still on his phone

"Hey I know your having a good time but I think it's time to go we are just going to crash at my place" I say he looks up at me

"really they are playing my favorite song" he says sarcastically

I laugh "wow I didn't realize you could joke now go peel James off that poor girl and get him in the car, Claire's already in there" he gets off the couch and heads over to James

I go upstairs to see if I can find Sara I look in a bedroom and see Sara past out on the bed I walk over and whisper "Sara it's time to leave"

she grunts and say "five more minutes"

"No now" I say as I help her off the bed and help her walk to the hall, I sigh when I see the stairs

I know I won't be able to make her walk down the stairs but thankfully almost everyone has left and the ones who haven't are so drunk they won't even question it so I put her over my shoulder and make my way down the stairs as soon as on the last step I take her off my shoulders I don't want anyone that's some how not sober and have them wonder why I can carry her, I then lead her toward the door and as soon as I open the door Tyler's there.

"here I got her" he picks her up bridal style and sets her in the backseat on Michael lap and then he gets in the front seat while I get in the driver seat and head home

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