Chapter 16

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It's morning again I'm starting to get into this new routine, I am nervous about going to Tyler's house for the first time.

I say goodbye to Alaric and  go to school, go to my classes and have lunch with them, finally school over we all head to Tyler's house.

Sara and Claire drive me over there, when we pull up I'm in awe the house is a mansion.
now I'm wondering why I'm not getting paid for this if there this loaded.

I get out of the car the guys are getting out the same time

"You have a nice house Tyler" I say

"Thanks" he says with a shrug

We walk in and the inside is beautiful, everyone sits on the couch but me and Tyler

"Where's the bathroom" I ask

"Upstairs to the left"

I walk up stairs but I look to the right  and see a bedroom door open I walk in, I know I shouldn't but I can't help it, it must be Tyler's room it screams boy, there's a couple of band poster on the wall and a guitar in the corner and clothes on the ground I see a couple of family photos I grab one there he is when he was young and Ella too and what I assume is there parents they look so happy

"You get lost" I hear Tyler behind me but he doesn't sound mad

"I'm sorry the door was open and..." I trail off

"It's okay that photo was taken on a family vacation along time ago" he says as he walk beside me looking at the photo

"You guys looks so happy"

"We were" I can tell he doesn't like to talk about it, I set the photo back down

"Did you take family vacations with your parents?" He ask me

"No never we didn't have a lot of money plus we probably wouldn't even if we did"

"I'm sorry" I can tell he means it

"It's okay we just weren't close but it's fine" I say with a small smile 

"You have a nice room" I say looking around

"Thanks I would of cleaned up if I had known someone would come in here" he says with a laugh

"Sorry again"

"Don't apologize"  he shakes his head

We walk downstairs to the living room.

"Hey I ordered pizza" James announced when we walk in while he's playing some video game with Michael

"Sounds good" Tyler says as he sits down I sit next to him

"Isn't Tyler house amazing" Claire says looking at me

"Yeah it is" I agree

"Want to play new girl?" James ask

"I don't know how" I tell him

"It's easy here" he hands me his controller
"Play against Michael he sucks so it will be easy"

"Yeah is that why your losing" Michael says back to James

Me and Michael play for awhile .

"No no no" I say laughing "how do you keep winning"  I whine

"Because I'm just that good" Michael says back to me I shove his shoulder in a playful way. I hear the doorbell ring

"Pizza!" James yells as he runs to the door

"He likes pizza" Claire's laughs shaking her head

James come back into the living room carrying the pizza he sits it on the coffee table .

"Yum" Sara says while licking her lips

We all reach for a slice.

"This is good" I say as I take another bite

I hear footsteps I look up and see Ella, I choke on my pizza

"You okay" Sara pats my back I give her a thumbs up

"Aria this is my sister Ella" Tyler says to me

I stand up and walk up to her.

"Hi I'm Aria nice to meet you" I put my hand out she hesitates but shakes it

"Nice to meet you" she smiles a fake smile

"Your home early" Tyler says to Ella

"I'm actually bout to going out" Ella tells him

"Okay call me if you need me"

"Okay ditto. Bye guys goodbye Aria nice to  meet you"

"Nice to meet you too Ella hope to see you again" I smile at her

As soon as she leaves I look at Tyler.

"She seems nice are you guys close?"

"Yeah we are pretty protective of each other we are all we have"

I smile at him trying not to feel guilty about me and Ella lying to him.

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