Chapter 22

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Me and Ezra stayed up most of the night just talking about everything I had really missed him and missed our talks he was the only person in my life that I could tell everything too and he wouldn't judge.

I woke up about to start getting ready for school till I remember that it was the weekend and I had no where to be since Tyler and everyone was busy with the whole werewolf thing.
I went downstairs and saw Alaric and Ezra sitting at the kitchen table
"Morning guys"

"Good morning" they say at the same time

I sit down next to them
"So any plans for today?" I ask

"Actually yes we are going out" Ezra says

"Where" I was excited

"we are going to this club I know the owner"

"That sounds like fun" i say trying to contain my excitement I knew exactly what we would be doing there we weren't going for the music, finally I was going to drink from a actually person and not out of a cup

"Are you going with us Alaric" I ask

"No thank you I know exactly why you guys are going and I don't want to be involved in any of it" he says with disgust

"Don't judge us Uncle Alaric"

I start getting dressed in this really cute a little bit slutty red dress, I do my hair and makeup I'm ready to go.

"You ready Aria" Ezra yells

I walk downstairs "ready how do I look" I ask the guys

"Beautiful as always" Ezra says smiling at me

"Don't you think it's a little to revealing maybe you should put on something else" Alaric says going into protect uncle mode

"Uncle Alaric it's fine it's a club everyone will be wearing something like this plus if anyone does try somethings on me I don't like I think I'll be okay" I say with a laugh he doesn't look happy that I'm not going to change but doesn't say anything else just waves us bye.

We pull into this really nice looking club I follow Ezra to where the bouncer is standing behind him is a mile long line of people ready to get into the club. Ezra tells the guy his name and he lets us in immediately Ezra grabs my hand and we walk in

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