Chapter 42

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I don't know how long I was out for but I knew it wasn't very long

"I'm going to kill you!" Tyler growls I open my eyes to see Tyler, Sara, Michael, James, and Claire tied up they are on the ground leaned up against the lockers

These bad guys have there back to me taunting Tyler and his friends

I'm going to kill them, no one kills me and gets away with it

"You don't scare me it's not a full moon you can't do anything child you saw what I did to your girlfriend so if I was you I would shut up before I kill this one next" he says pointing to Claire

"You touch her your dead" James growls

I need to do something the only reason I went down from those bullets is because I didn't drink enough blood today and I'm not at my strongest so if I can get one of them I can take them all out

"You guys go check and make sure there's no one else in this place" the leader aka the asshole that shot me tells his guys leaving him alone, this guy is a idiot

I see that Claire is crying a little

"Shh it's okay Claire we will be fine"I hear James say softly to her

I lean up quietly so know one looks up
I get up on my feet and walk over to him *aka asshole who shot me* quietly I'm standing right behind him, Tyler and everyone else is looking down at the ground and this guy is texting someone

I see Sara look up and we make eye contact her eyes widen I see her nudge Michael and he looks at me with his jaw drop

I tap on this guy shoulder

"What" he groans thinking it's one of his guys he shoves his phone in his pocket and turn around he instantly goes pale  "W-What the hell" he says stuttering "I shot you"

"Yeah three times asshole I liked this dress" I snap

"What are you" he asks looking in the corner of his eye waiting for his buddies to come back

"And You thought they were the monsters" I smirk I grab his hair and tilt his head and clamp down on his neck draining him till there's nothing left

I let him drop to the ground I look at Tyler and the rest of them they all look shocked

"What are you" Sara whispers i instantly look at Tyler I can't read His expression

I hear footsteps they are coming back

I put a finger up to my lip telling them to be quiet

I go back to where I was laying on the floor and lay back down

"Hey boss there's no one else here we're good" one of the guy says he walks over to them and sees his leader on the floor dead

"What happened!" He yells at Tyler I see Tyler jaw clenched but doesn't say a word "there's someone else here" the guy tells the rest of his people

One of the guys starts walking toward me once he gets close enough I kick his legs from underneath him making him fall to ground I grab his wrist drinking him dry as well

I quickly get up and use my vampire speed to stand In front of one of the other guy, he looks shocked but I snap his neck before he can get a word out

"What are you!" I hear the last guy say I turn around he quickly takes out a gun and shots me but it doesn't affect me now I'm too high on blood he eventually runs out of bullets

"Who are you working for" I say I know I look terrifying I have blood running down my chin with my fangs out and eyes are red

"I won't tell you anything so you'll have to kill me" he tells me i can already tell this guy knows nothing

"Gladly" I smile and snap his neck

I look back at my friends if they still are, they look afraid of me

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