Chapter 39

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"Chinese food is here" Alaric yells

"Coming" I run downstairs

We all sit down at the table

"Aren't we a cute family" I say they roll their eyes

"I talk to the other vampires and there ready to come the moment I call them" Ezra tells us

"Do I know any of them?" I ask

"Jason and Rose but I don't think you know the rest"

"I like Rose she's cool and Jason hot he has nice hair" I say taking a bite of my chicken

"But I'm waiting till we really need them because we don't need vampire crawling all over this town"

"So the witches are totally out?" Alaric ask

"Most want nothing to do with it they say it's not their fight unless humans are being killed, but I don't know i think I can convince a couple of them"

"They just think their so much better O look at me I'm a witch I can cast spells and shit" I huff

"I think we should tell tyler and his friends what's going on it's been a month" I sigh I do feel bad

"Soon but it's Ella choice" Ezra says

"But it involves them too what if they get killed because we didn't let them know what was happening"

"These supernatural killers are being too quiet we haven't heard about any attacks for awhile" Alaric says

"Maybe there done" I say hopeful

"I doubt it" Ezra shakes his head

I open my locker to get something out I feel a pair of eyes staring at me I look behind me to see Michael we make eye contact and he walks to the bathroom I slam my locker and make my way to the boys bathroom

I open the bathroom door and a freshman who was leaving stops and looks at me wide eye "uh this is the boys bathroom" he says like I don't know

"I'm aware now leave" I don't mean to be rude but I can't take Michael judging eyes he hurries off

I walk to the urinal where Michaels is peeing I clear my throat

"What the hell Aria" he looks back at me he quickly zips up

"We need to talk" I tell him

He walks over to the sink and washes his hands "talk about what" he says like he doesn't know I roll my eyes

"Why you have been giving me death stares the last couple of days"

"I have not" he rolls his eyes

"Have too and I know you always look grumpy but you've kicked it up a notch"

"I don't always look grumpy" is all he says

"I've never even seen you smile or even laugh"

"Maybe it's because your not funny and that's why I don't laugh at your jokes"

"I'm hilarious thank you very much" I huff

"Fine. I don't trust you your lying about something" I knew he knew something

"What because of the other night" I sigh "yes there's things I haven't told you guys but I'm sure you all have secrets too"

We stare at each other like we are having a stare off and I don't know who's winning


"Okay?" I ask confused

"your right we all have secrets. I'm sorry for judging you" I look at him shocked he actually apologized what is this world come too, I walk over to him slowly not moving to fast I don't want to spook him he looks at me confused I hug him fast before he can get away "what are you doing?" He asks me

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