Chapter 28

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I couldn't sleep  I just kept thinking about my old life before I became this thing.

Flash Back

I heard my alarm go off  I hate that stupid beeping. I quickly shut it off and make myself get out of bed.

I get dressed for the day and walk into the kitchen my father already sitting at the table I just look at the floor and walk quickly to the fridge

"aren't you going to say good morning" my father says I can tell he's already irritated I hate when he's in a mood because I know it won't be a good day for me

"sorry good morning" I say avoiding eye contact

He slams his coffee cup on the table and walks over to me he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him "when I talk to you, you will look at me is that clear! I SAID IS THAT CLEAR!" He screams at my face his hand now gripping my face so hard that it might leave a bruise

"I'm sorry" I feel a tear come down my face I look at him he noticed it to but instead of feeling bad he gets angrier he lifts his hand and slaps me, I try not to let anymore tears escape my eyes because I know that will make him angrier

"Your so pathetic" he looks at me with disgust"go to school I don't want you here"  I want to ask him why he hates me so much, is it because mom left and he thinks it's my fault?

But I just walk out the kitchen and out the front door I notice ally's is pulling up in the driveway so I take a deep breath and put on a fake smile.

"Hey allycat" I great as I get into the car

"Hey you ready for school" she says with fake enthusiasm

"O yeah I love high school it's the best years of our lives" i say with the same fake enthusiasm

"Just think a couple of more years and we will be free"

"Where should we go?"

"Hmmmm New York? London maybe but where ever we do decide to go we go together please don't leave me in this god awful town"

"Never I think we should go to New York"  she nods in agreement

We pull up at school I really don't want to go in but I have no where else to go. We walk to our lockers which are right next to each other's.

I can feel lily staring at me I make the mistake of  looking at her she strides over to me I can hear her high heels approaching who wears heels to school, she stands right in front of me "what are you looking at freak" she spats at me

" n-nothing" I stutter

" that's what I thought loser" she turns around and heads off to class

Lunch finally approach me and ally sit together.

"Lily's in a bitching mood today wait never mind she like that every day she needs to get that stick out of her butt. one day she will get what coming okay Aria" she smiles

"Thanks" I smile

"I always have your back we're each other's family"  ally didn't have the best home life either her parents died when she was younger and now she lives with her grandma who's hardly ever home

"I have your back too I would do anything for you allycat"


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