Chapter 18

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Tyler pulls up in my driveway
"Thanks for the ride"

"Anytime. Is your uncle going to be okay with you bringing a cat home"

"Yeah I don't see why not" I hope he's not allergic

"I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye Flynn" he tried to reach over and pet it but Flynn hissed at him and I just started laughing
"It's not that funny cats hate me for some reason" he says but I do know the reason but I don't tell him that

"Maybe you two need to bond why don't you come over tomorrow and hangout"

"Fine but I'm doing it to see you mostly"
He smiles at me I smile back I get out of the car and head inside

"Uncle Alaric I'm home"

He walks into the living "where have you been and what is that?" He points at Flynn

"I've been hanging out with Tyler and his friend and this is called a cat please tell me you don't hate cats to"

"That's good they seem to like you and I know what a cat is but why do you have one in our house"

I like that he said our house but I don't say anything about that "yes I'm actually very likeable if you must know and this is our new family pet Alaric meet Flynn"

"I do have to admit he's cute" he says as he pets Flynn and Flynn starts to purrs "I'll get him some milk" we head to the kitchen Alaric gets a bowl and pours milk into it I sit Flynn down and he starts to drink it
"Where did you find him" he ask

"Me and Tyler were taking a walking in the woods and we found him"

"Where were the others?"

"They went home"
He looks at me like he's accusing me of somethings
"Noting happened" I say

"remember you will leave soon and I don't want to see anyone get hurt" 

"Why would you think I would try to hurt him?"

"I don't think you would intentionally but I was also talking about you"

"So you don't want me to get hurt"


"So you care about me" I say smiling at him I run up to him and hug him a bit to hard

"Okay your crushing me"

"Sorry" I let go

He pats me on the head like he doesn't know what to do but I take it happy that he showing me some kind of affection in his own weird way

"Goodnight uncle Alaric" I say as I pick up Flynn and head to my room

"Goodnight Aria goodnight Flynn"
I sit down at my desk and Skype Ezra after a few rings he answers he has a black button up shirt on and hair styled with a little hair gel he always looks nice

"Hey ezzie"

"Hello is everything okay"

"Yes are you busy?"

"No I just got back to my apartment a few minutes ago"

"Good because look what I got" I lift up Flynn for him to see

"He's cute did Alaric say it was okay to keep him in the house"

"Yeah he's cool with it. I found flynn in the woods earlier today"

"Why were you in the woods?"

"I was taking a walk"

"By yourself?" He ask with his eyebrows raised

"No Tyler was there too"

"Really" he's smirks

"Shut up nothing happened"

"I believe you"

"Have you heard anything back from the witches" I ask trying to change the subject

"Nothing yet. Are you drinking enough blood?" He Asks

"Yeah enough but I'm running low"

"I'll tell Alaric to get some more"

"I really want some from the source" I say my vampire side hates drinking it from a water bottle and not from a actually vein

"I know but it's not safe if someone saw you it would not end good"

"I know I know" he's right as usual

"Okay I better go to sleep goodnight Ezra love you" I don't know why I said it but I did love him but not in the in love way

"I love you too goodnight darling" he says and hangs up

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