Chapter 56

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I finally stop crying and come down stairs to the lobby

"Where are Tyler and Ella and the rest of them at?"I say

"They are still in there wolf form so they will be back in the morning" he says I nod

I walk over to Joseph who sitting next to Norma's body

"I'm so sorry" I tell him

He looks up at me and stands up hugging me "it's not your fault" he says I can tell he trying not to cry

"I need to go and take her back home" he says looking at Norma "I'll be in touch" he says grabbing her body and carrying it out

"Jason are you all right?" I say even he looks sad

"Yeah I'm fine but uh rose she she didn't make it" he says I hug him he hugs me back

I give him a kiss on the cheek

"I'll see you around kid" he gives me a small smile

"Ready to go home" Ezra asks me

"Yeah I'm ready"

As soon as I walk into the house ally runs up and hugs me and starts crying which makes me cry

"I was so worried about you" she says

"I'm fine" I say even though I know she knows I really not

"Are you okay Ezra" ally says worried about him

"Yes thank you" he smiles at her

"I made cookies, snicker doodles your favorite and chocolate chip cookies and then peanut butter cookies Michaels favorite" she smiles

We all go take showers and then we come back to the kitchen to eat our cookies waiting for Tyler and his friends to come back

It feels so empty here without Alaric but I know he's proud of me

I hear the door open and see Tyler, Ella, Michael, Sara, James and Claire who are holding hands walk in

I run up to Tyler hugging him tight

Ezra runs up to Ella and even ally runs up to Michael hugging him

"Are you okay?" I ask Tyler worried

"I'm fine how are you" he says taking my face in his hands

"Better now" I smile at him he smiles back

"I love you" he mouths

I smile " I love you too" I mouth back

"I smell cookies" James says running to the kitchen

"You better not eat all the chocolate chip ones James" Claire says running after him

"So what now" I ask Ezra

"What ever you want to do its your life" Ezra smiles at me

I look over at Tyler and ally and the rest of them at the dining table eating cookies it makes me smile

"I'm home" I say

I walk over to them and sit on Tyler's lap

"I saved you a couple of snicker doodles before fat ass ate them" Tyler says

"I don't have a fat ass" James says to Tyler

"Yeah he has a great ass" Claire says with a laugh

"Thanks babe" James smile at Claire

"Welcome babe" Claire kisses his check

"I'm going to throw up" Michael mutters

"You have a cute ass too" ally kisses Michael check he starts blushing

"Yeah Michael you have cute ass too" I mock he glares but I can see he trying not to laugh

"To Michaels ass" Sara raises her glass of milk

"To Michaels ass" we all say at the same time

"I hate you" Michael laughs

"So can I live here with you" ally asks me

"I hoped you would" I smile

"Never ending sleepover" she squeals

"Just warning you don't ask Ezra's for help on your history homework he will just say they got everything wrong" I say

"They did" I hear Ezra say from somewhere in the house


thank you all so much for reading my story

the next chapter will be the very last one

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