Chapter 13

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A/n I'm writing a werewolf story (non fanfic) I really like it and I think you guys will as well so check it out!

Chapter 13-

As we drove to the airport, Esme kept reminding me that my home was here, in Forks, and that she loved me. Alice bugged me about wearing nice clothing while Emmet heartily disagreed, and said I should wear something that no one will look at me in.

Especially men. 

I laughed at their incessant bickering. Carlisle didn't look very pleased, but respected my decision to leave.

Rose was fiercely protective, saying the minute I wanted to leave, to call her and I'd be gone in a few short hours. She added that if anyone bothered me, she'd have 'words' to exchange with them. Jasper agreed, adding that he had friends in Italy who'd be more than happy to kick some Volturi aśs. I rolled my eyes, positive that Jane and Demetri would protect me if need be.

As soon as we arrived at the airport, they all helped me with luggage and got me a special security pass so I didn't have to wait on any lines, rather, I was checked privately.

Eventually, goodbyes had to be said and we all knew it. Unshed tears glistening brightly in their eyes, I embraced each one, telling them that I loved them and would miss them.

As I turned to go to boarding, Esme caught my hand.

"My beautiful Bella," she said, "you don't have to do this." I looked at her soft golden eyes, and my heart ached for her.

"I know." I replied. "I know." I repeated softly and let my hand drop from hers as I walked away, glancing back once, only to see the family I had come to love looking at me, heartbroken.

We all knew I would not come the same Bella.

I boarded the plane and put on headphones. I buckled up so the flight attendants wouldn't bother me and listened to music as I thought about my life in Forks. I had a good life, I suppose, until Edward came along and wrecked it completely.

Wrecked me completely.

This getaway would be good for me.

As we neared Italy, my heart raced in excitement at the prospect of meeting the man that had entranced me by his picture.

I thought of different ways our meeting could go and I decided if he thought of me as a fool, I would stay in Volterra anyway, because I was sick of letting men ruin my life. No one would control me like Edward had ever again.

As we landed and I exited the plane, I decided to surprise Jane with my visit. Surely I could find my way to the Volturi alone.

So I flagged down a cab and asked for a ride to Volterra and the man looked at me like I was crazy but when I insisted and held out my money, he complied, driving me there quickly. I threw him some money and exited the car, taking in my surroundings. Fresh air, clear sky, it was a truly beautiful place.

I walked around, taking in the nature and culture when I saw a woman, to perfect to be a human, handing out flyers. When her eyes locked on mine, I knew she was a vampire. Her contacts were starting to wear off. Lucky for her, I carried them everywhere ever since I started hanging around Alice, who enjoyed changing her eye color often for parties or shopping.

It didn't make sense to me, but she liked it, so I was happy to help. I approached her a smiled and she handed me a flier. It said it English, Italian, and some other languages "Tours of Volterra".

So this is how they get food. Her eyes were more red than brown now and took out the contacts.

"Your contacts are wearing off." I said, smiling at the shock on her face. Her eyes narrowed and looked at me suspiciously.

"You know." She stated and I nodded.

"Yes, I do know. Tours of Volterra, huh? Does it really work?" I asked curiously as she applied the contacts I had given her.

"You tell me." She said and gestured to the people around the square that were holding her flier. I giggled a little, even though I knew it was bad. I mean, to me, it was an obvious scam.

"I guess it does. Well, can I come, not to be eaten but to the Volturi? I'm assuming you are apart of their coven." She gasped, surprised at my knowledge.

"Yes, yes. Come now, forget the feeding. This is more important. The masters will need to meet you." She said, and she was lying to me. I knew their laws. They weren't meeting me, they were going to kill me. I laughed.

"Meet me, huh? No join or die? I'm surprised at you, Heidi?" I said, no wonder she looks familiar, Jane showed me pictures of her coven and I remember this one. They called her the 'fisher', because she 'fished' for food, so to speak.

Heidi eyes widened and she grabbed me, covered my mouth and ran, fast and hard and I felt quite dizzy so I closed my eyes, willing myself not to throw up. Eventually she stopped, and I realized we were inside the castle, outside two large doors. My head was spinning and my stomach was turning.


She shoved me through the doors and I stumbled. I heard gasps and shouts and Heidi talking in rapid Italian.

Four cool hands touched me.

Demetri and Jane!

"Demetri, Jane!" I exclaimed as my vision registered. Jane's red eyes were wide with shock, as were Demetri's.

"Seriously Bella? You couldn't have just texted us?" Jane asked and she hugged me tightly.

"Honestly," Demetri said in the same worried tone, "you could've gotten hurt." And he took his turn to hug me tightly. My chest warmed at the thought of the, worrying for me.

"I missed you guys." I said, my voice breaking slightly. Jane and Demetri's arms wrapped around me once more before a nasty voice filled the room.

"Isn't this wonderful? Jane and Demetri befriended the human! Too bad she has to die." Caius. It was him. Alice warned me he might be a little cold before warming up to me.

"Caius, seriously? You can obviously see I'm not some idiot human so stop pretending." I snarked at me and the room was eerily silent.

"WHY YOU-" He roared but before he could finish the man of my dreams walked through the door. My heart stopped as I took in his features and I felt Jane take my hand and squeeze and Demetri wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He knew of my feelings for Aro, but he warned me Aro may not return them.

Playing the role of the protective brother, he wanted to be sure I wouldn't get hurt.

I saw Aro's nostrils flare as he turned to me slowly. His red eyes burned into my brown ones and I gasped.
He was amazing.

"Who are you?" He demanded in a husky voice and I shivered gently.

"Bella." I answered and Jane whispered something I couldn't hear to him. His eyes were trained on me and I heard Caius saying something that sounded violent to Aro.

Aro growled softly as he approached me and I couldn't help but lean into Demetri more.

He was scaring me a little and I needed him to move back.

"You, Mia Stella, are mine." He announced and I shook my head.


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