Chapter 15

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When I woke up for the second time, I was famished. I hadn't eaten in quite a while but I wasn't sure there was human food in this castle.

I got out of Jane's bed and padded over to my luggage, trying to find something to wear.

Alice, as usual, didn't fail me. I wore a cute black skater skirt and a simple red crop top.

Unfortunately, all Alice packed were cute heels and wedges with the occasional flats. I wanted flip flops, so I went to Janes closet and borrowed a pair of plain black ones.

I left the room, hoping to find a kitchen, or at the very least, a friendly vampire to help me.

I wandered the halls before realizing I was completely lost. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I was lost, damnit!

"Hello?" I called, "Is there anyone here?"

Suddenly, in a flash of black, a large figure was standing in front of me. I crossed my fingers behind my back. Please don't eat me.

"Hello, human." Caius drawled and I grinned cheekily. Thank god it was him and not some uncontrolled guard member. I knew all the Kings had exceptional control with their bloodlust.

"Hello Caius! Could you bring me to a kitchen?" I asked, tilting my head slightly and he rolled his red eyes at me.

"I'd be honored to be with Aro's human." He says sarcastically and I snort.

"I'm not Aro's. But I would love to be with you!" I say hopefully, wanting company. He sighs but complies, and picks me up and takes me a kitchen, all under three seconds.

When he places me down, I gasp in wonder. This kitchen is beautiful! And to think they never use it! I begin preparing a salad for myself and when I'm done, I sit with Caius and eat.

"So little human-"

"Bella!" I interrupt, "My name is Bella." He smirks but continues.

"So little Bella," he says, enunciating my name, "what brings you to the Volturi?" I sigh in response to his question.

"I wanted to visit Jane and Demetri." I say, chewing on some lettuce. He wrinkles his nose as he smells my food.

"What?" I ask, "Do you want some?" And I dangle some lettuce in his face. He bats it away frantically, his eyes comically wide.

"Euch! No! It's disgusting!" He exclaims and I laugh at his horrified expression as I pop it in my mouth.

We chatted happily for a few more minutes and then he begins to talk about Aro and the mood dampens.

"Perhaps, little Belle, you should give him another shot." I glare ferociously at Caius, I almost thought her was good guy.
"Please. For me?" He begs and I feel myself crack. Vampires here, who have known Aro much longer than I, want me to give it another another shot. I barely knew Aro and maybe a second chance would be a good thing.

"Okay. Can you tell Jane that I'm doing this as well? She was quite upset last time I saw her." Caius gives a hasty 'yes,yes, now go!' And shoos me away to find Aro with little directions.

Eventually, I reach a door with his name engraved on it and I knock gently, almost hoping he doesn't hear me so I could leave and no one would be any wiser.

But, no such luck.
"Come in, Amore mio." His husky voice says and I shiver slightly. I open the door slowly to see him on his bed, reading a book and I force down feelings of lust when I take in his broad chest and muscled arms through his white button up shirt and concentrate on what's more important, talking to him.

His eyes rake over my body and I feel self conscious and want to tug down my shortish skirt. He gives a little pleased growl and beckons me over to his bed. I hesitantly obey and sit down gently at the edge.

"Perhaps we can talk now?" I offer softly and he smiles widely, his sharp teeth glinting and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Talk." He says, waving a hand, and moves his eyes back to his book. I want to stomp my foot in frustration at his rudeness, but I was determined to make this work. He was my mate, and I could love no other, so I might as well work with what I got.

"You have been nothing but rude to me and I'm sick of it. I'm supposed to be your mate, but your not treating me like your mate at all!" I exclaim, running a hand through my hair, aggravated. He makes a little noise but doesn't respond.

I pluck his book out of his hands and throw it across the room.

"You're being rude right now!" I say, irritated as fück. "I am literally talking to you about not being so fûcking rude all the fučking time." He sits up straight and tilts my head up to look at him directly.

"It isn't becoming of a young lady to act this way." He whispers, his breath fanning over my face and I shudder. I feel him lean closer to me and I realize my eyes are shut.

"No, Aro. Stop. We need to talk!" I say firmly, my eyes fluttering open to meet his red ones. He sighs but leans back.

"Listen here, Isabella. I am a very powerful man. I have very powerful instincts as well, including one to mark and mate with you. It makes a little more violent and, ah, primitive when I'm feeling intense emotions. I apologize for my rude, as you would put it, behavior in the throne room." I smile victoriously.

"Thank you." I reply, evidently happier than before. In fact, I was feeling much better now that I had an apology.

"And how about you little Belle? You threw my book and that wasn't very nice." He says, moving closer to me again. His lips brush my cheek as he says, "I would like an apology as well." I grin a little and push him onto the bed and he falls back, his inky black hair stark against the white pillows.

I place my small hands on his chest and put my knees and either side of his hips and his eyes darken. I move my face so my lips are brushing against his.

"I'm so, so, sorry. Do you forgive me?" I ask breathily, fluttering my eyelashes. He groans slightly and tries to kiss me but I move back. "Ah, ah, ah. I need forgiveness first." I sing song and he falls back again.

"Yes..." He breathes out, "yes. Now come here you naughty girl." I giggle and clamber off him.

"Nope." I say, and hop off of the bed and walk over to where I threw the book. I lean down, exposing my panties in my skirt and I hear him curse quietly. I pick up the book and sashay back to the bed, book in my hand.

"I think I'm going going to read a little." I say, leaning against his pillows, purposefully ignoring him.

He sighs. "I'm going to have my hands full with you, little one." I flash him a saucy grin and look down my chest.

"I'm not so little." I say, pouting a bit. His eyes travel to where mine were and he gulps.

"Not at all." He says. At this point, his eyes are pitch black but I decide I want to take a nap. This whole apologizing and forgiving thing is a shįtload of work. I lay the book down gently and curl up.

"Goodnight!" I say and he chuckles.

"Yes, yes, goodnight." He answers and as I fall asleep, I feel his hand tickling my arm and playing with my hair. I lean into his touch before going to sleep.

Aro Volturi's Heart- My Hands Where stories live. Discover now