3: this young male

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I stir at the feeling of the car coming to a halt. I can really feel the effects of sleeping hunched over, the stiffness in my neck making me cringe and roll it back to life, pressing my fingers into the soreness. Looking around, it's still dark and the car is empty.

I can see Blu and the Beta standing in front of the car, illuminated by the headlights. Beyond them, two males stand side by side, but their features are shadowed in the low light. The only characteristics I can make out are that one is much larger than the other.

Opening the car door, I slide out, letting it close behind me. The air out here is chillier than back home, but smells so good. Salty like the ocean is near, and trees I've never smelt before, very fragrant. I think I'll like it here. A smirk made of spite twists my lips.

"Did we say you could get out of the car." All business but his words make him appear foolish. I turn my glare to Blu, I give him the present of my teeth, nothing friendly about me. I smirk when he has to turn his unnerved face away. Nose and chin tilted up, I show my lack of fear and presence of confidence.

A laugh barks out and my gaze turns to meet that of the largest male I've ever seen. He towers, built on thick, stalky muscle that is dense as mountain stone. My eyes narrow. Am I a joke to him?

"Little wolf," He growls out to me, rubbing my nature the wrong way. "put your teeth away, I'm no enemy to you."

Slowly, I let my lips press back together, my eyes swinging back to Blu and the Beta.

The Beta walks around the car, grabbing the duffel my mother threw together not long ago. Gripping it by the handle with one hand, he tosses it at the smaller male.

"This is it? You do know she's living here." He speaks up as I stare at the car from home. This is my home now.

"Bitch doesn't like skin like she likes fur. Let's go Parsim, our work here is done." The males from my old pack climb back into their way home. They refer to me as a chore, not a being. Blu holds my gaze through the windshield as I stand in the headlight beams until they've turned around and started away. A mate abandoning a mate by choice.

A chill envelopes me and I use my hands as warmth on my arms. Sleep feels like the last thing on my mind but so enticing at the same time. Today has been too long for its own good.

"Bambi." My head turns, I stared too long after them- my past. Time to face my future, the path of my actions, right on course. I look up at the large male, he was the one who spoke. "Stop trying to look me in the eyes, respect me and I will respect you."

My eyes lower slightly so I'm staring somewhere slightly to his lower left side. 

"My name is Alpha John Kherrs, this is my son Jack." The Alpha places his hand on his son's shoulder, pride and love emanating from his very being. He loves this young male very much. He's a male after all.

I nod once, meeting the youth's eyes, neither of us looking away until my fur's all raised and I'm on the brink of snarling out my rage, sinking my teeth into some flesh.

"Enough." Both of us are grabbed by the scruffs of our necks, the male is much bigger than me but is still handled like he weighs nothing. There's this weird feeling I have, never have I seen a male be punished alongside a female. "You two will get along, understand? Jack, I'm putting you in charge of showing her around."

"Yes, sir." There isn't even a blink before his words, this is an order from an Alpha and he takes it in stride.

"Bambi," The big male sets me down, allowing me to settle and swallow my growl. My nature actually wants to hear what this male has to say. Respect for respect, it sticks in my head.

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