4: aches from enemies

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Morning brings a subdued brightness, the sky clear and pasty blue, hued with soft pinks and purples far out in the distance above the massive body of water. I heard about tides one time, tied to the moon as they move in and out with this smooth rhythmic norm.

I eye this formation of blue with a sort of envy, this nature has a tighter bond with the moon than I.

Looking over I see the young male. His wolf isn't anything remotely impressive, which thinking of his father makes me wonder how young he is exactly. Not even on the brink of his prime yet.

I stand and stretch, taking my time as he sleeps in a languid position, uncaring of any posed danger around him, he's comfortable. My night had been switched back and forth between watching our backs and dozing for short spurts. I wasn't going to let myself go on my first night in new territory with a pack so close.

The scents and trails of newer animals are inviting to my hunting nose, opportunity seems infinite here and now. All these new prospects of life leading me to take the Moon's hand into this uncharted territory. If only for breakfast.

Nostrils pressed to the damp morning Earth, I am on the hunt. A primitiveness taking over my brain, shoving the skin back and taking control for our greater good. It feels good to release the little bit of humanity I have. My fur deserves more in my opinion.

It doesn't take me long to track the little rabbit trails meandering through the underbrush. Fresh tracks are tracing through the morning dew, easy to spot, easier to follow. Predatory eyes don't miss a single detail under this green canopy.

This dance of the hunt is simple, pure nature, I'm patient and cunning. My instincts guide me to fulfilling my hunger. A twitch of my nose and I can smell the fresh blood, hear the quickened heart beat, almost taste the pulse of my kill. The little brown bunny only mere lengths from my nose. Right on the tip of my tongue.

Licking my chops I smooth myself forwards towards the creature, watching the glassy eye full of oblivion and the deficient, whiskered nose flare and wiggle in search of danger in a skittish way.

Within a swift lunge I have captured this life between my teeth, and with a jerk of my head, the light goes out. Lowering the body back to the ground, I wonder how the soul wanders. Closing my eyes briefly I give thanks to the Luna and the Earth, for food once again.

My feast is short lived as I sense the presence of another. I already know this young male's scent. He is upwind from me, not bothering to hide himself, even though he might be trying, if he is stupid enough to let that note slip. Shouldn't his instincts tell him more than that?

I pay no mind anyways, instead turning to my kill and dismissing him as nonthreatening. I hope that pisses him off.

It doesn't.

He noses my flank, inching his way closer and closer to my muzzle. I wonder if this male wants to be bitten? Growling, I warn him of my annoyance instead. Still, he pays no mind and continues to sniff and nudge at me.

A sharp bark breaks the tension and both our heads turn to the large wolf, this male is thick with muscle, tree stump limbs, and a thick chest protruding. I stare him in the eyes, muzzle angled towards my kill. I notice he has a little scar over his left eye. This male must have some sort of power, a Beta maybe.

Nodding his head north, eyes glazed, I realize he must be communicating with the young male via the mindlink pack wolves share. After spending a bit of time in this pack, I too will be subject to that mental ability. An easy way to talk without shifting.

The male noses me forward and I snap at him but follow after the Beta anyways as we trot towards the house. I like these woods, I've decided. This makes me hesitant to leave. I have more battles to face outside this confinement.

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