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Target- Prime minister of England.

"All squads report to the training grounds." BB said over a little speaker placed in all their rooms. Aqua groaned and rolled out of bed. Virgo just laid there for a few more minutes.

Aquarius cleaned herself up and nudged Virgo. "We have been called. wake up!" Aquarius yelled in her ear. "Ok ok! I'm awake!" Virgo swatted her away and got up to get ready.

Once Virgo got ready they both headed to the training grounds together. She saw everyone gathered in the middle, wondering what was going on. Aqua held tightly to her kit.

"Everyone put your ear pieces on." BB said through the loudspeaker. Everyone obeyed and soon his voice filled their ears. "Listen up, this is a major mission. Split up into your squads." He ordered.

Everyone scattered and gathered with their teammates. "Good, now the mission is to kill the prime minister of England." He explained. Aqua almost squealed she had never been on such a big mission.

"Alpha squad, I need you to take care of the guards, Beta squad will sneak in and Aqua will sneak a poison into his food, make sure it's not instant death or people will get suspicious." He strictly said to Aqua.

She nodded and began forming mixtures in her head. "Gamma and Delta squad, you will be back up in case something goes wrong." He said. Both Gamma and Delta squads groaned in disappointment.

Gamma- Sagittarius Aries Libra
Delta- Cancer, Gemini, Pisces
Beta- Aquarius, Capricorn, Leo
Alpha- Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus

"Alright move out." BB commanded. Everyone got in the truck and Aries decided to drive. They weren't that far from England since their organization lies on the border. They had noticed the interesting decisions the prime minister made.

The entered the streets of London where he lives in a huge castle in the way they saw people on the streets begging the rich for money. The rich laughed and humiliated them.

Pisces was typing away on her computer. "There are invisible lasers at the entrance right past the guards I can disarm them for 10 minutes." Her fingers moved fast across the keyboard.

The truck came to a stop in a nearby wooded area. Gamma and Delta stayed back. Alpha and Beta sat crouched in the bushes. "Alpha squad deploy." BB said. "Wait so are we just rushing in and killing them?" Virgo calculated the amount of guards around the perimeter.

"That's up to you." He said and then cut off. "I say we just go for it." Scorpio said. "Remember where that got you last time?" Virgo pointed to his injured side. "Right..." He clenched his hands.

"Should we distract them?" Taurus whispered. "Too many to distract." Virgo shot down the idea. "Oh for gods sake." Capricorn mumbled and ignited a smoke bomb and chucked it. The guards attention flew to the bomb.

The bomb exploded and a cloud of smoke raised in the air. "Ok go for it now." Cap gave a thumbs up. Alpha squad stealthy moved out of the bushes and disappeared in the smoke.

Taurus's claws snapped out and met with soft flesh. He muffled the guards screams with his hand. "Shhh." He said in his ear. The guard slumped lifelessly to the ground.  Scorpio's scythe appeared in his hand and he sliced horizontally through at least six guards. Their separated torsos fell to the ground with a sickening thud.

Virgo summoned her dagger and swiftly ran behind a guard. She plunged her dagger in his stomach the blood sprayed on her hands and clothes. Another guard came from behind and grabbed her shoulders. She grabbed his arm and brought him over her shoulder and slammed him into the ground.

Zodiac Assassins Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant