The leader

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Virgo blinked open, the gas had lost its effect. She looked over and saw Scorpio shuffle and awake as well. They were in a cell, like a jail cell, were they arrested? 

"Where are we?" Scorpio scooted over. "It looks like jail, but I don't know. "Hey! Scorpio!" They heard Taurus call from across the room, he and Aquarius were together and she was still unconscious.

"You guys alright?" Taurus asked. "Ya!" Scorpio yelled back. "Is everyone here?" Scorpio called. Everyone replied with a "here!" Taurus could still feel the tingling of the electricity run through his body it made him shiver.

Aquarius sat up, confused where they were. Taurus immediately went to comfort her. "I got you caught again..." She was on the verge of tears but held them back, not wanting Taurus to see her weakness.

"I'm sorry." Her voice lightly cracked. "No, it's my fault." He sat next to her and wrapped an am around her shoulders. Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Leo were in the same cell. "I still can't see!" Capricorn complained he bumped into Leo as he walked around.

"This is why I told you to get contacts." Leo huffed. "What are we doing here?" Sagittarius rattled the bars. All of their weapons were taken off of them and left them defenseless and bare.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Leo yelled with fury at nothing. "Leo...can you be quiet!" He heard Libra's voice through the wall. Libra was infuriated at everything. Cancer was anxiously pacing around and biting her fingernails and Pisces was just sitting there, having no idea what to do.

"Aries..." Gemini slurred as she rolled over on her side. "I'm right here." Aries had a bruise forming on the side of his cheek. Gemini sat up and shook her head. "We are going to die." She confirmed and pulled her knees to her chest.

"No, no we are not." Aries cupped her face and whispered. "You sure?" She sniffed. "I'll make sure." He had a serious look on his face. Virgo and Scorpio were sitting very close to each other, like uncomfortably close to each other, but it felt kinda nice.

It felt like there was always someone to catch you when you fall. "Hey you two should kiss before we die!" Taurus yelled loudly. "Shut up!" Scorpio shook a fist. Virgo blushed but felt a laugh escape.

"My brother is always like that." Scorpio chuckled. It was a low reverberating chuckled that satisfied Virgo's ears. He rarely smiled but when he did it lit up her day. "Are you all awake?!" A guard or cop walked in, twirling the keys on his finger.

"The leader wants all of you to see him." The man said. "Come on in guys." He called. Many people came in "if you try and run they won't hesitate to stick a sleeping needle in ya." The cop heartily laughed.

"Get em'." He ordered. They went for Virgo and Scorpio first. She tried summoning her dagger but it didn't work, the same happened to Scorpio's scythe. "We put you all on a suppressant so you can't use you magic." He chortled.

The grabbed Scorpio by the neck and dragged him out. He instantly started fighting back. He felt a pinch at the side of his neck and slumped almost immediately. They grabbed Virgo and she came quietly.

Two more men went to Taurus and Aquarius. "I remember you, you put up quite a fight, killed at least ten of our men, be extra rough on him." The man squinted. A man grabbed Taurus by the shirt the seams began to rip but the man didn't seem to care.

He kicked him until Taurus gave up and followed quietly. Aqua was huddled in the corner like a scared puppy. The man grabbed her by the arm but she refused to move, putting all of her weight in the opposite direction.

The man growled and gave her a good slap    on the cheek, she whimpered at the burning feeling. They handcuffed her and walked her out. Leo snarled at them like a wild animal when they opened the cell "we got a feisty one here!" The man cheered.

The man grabbed Leo by the neck and shoved him to the ground, he tried moving but the man was too strong. Sagittarius punched the man holding him down but was held back and dragged outside.

Leo felt the painful prick of the needle and his urge to fight back disappeared. They dragged him out by the arms. "I don't think this one will be much trouble, just handcuff him." The captain said. Capricorn squinted at the blurry blobs but couldn't do anything to fight back.

They gathered the rest and filed them in to a large room. "They are ready to see you, my leader." The captain bowed in respect. Each one of them were kicked in the knees making them kneel down. It was almost pitch black, they couldn't see his face.

"Rex! Bring me Rex I wish to see the footage! I need to see their skills!" He yelled. They heard light footsteps scatter to him. "Your a good boy Rex." The man laughed. The footage began to play of them using their powers.

The leader scoffed. "These are the great assassins? Ha! They are worthless and cannot compare to me!" They heard the man stand up. They could only see his feet.

"Turn on the lights!" He ordered. The lights  flashed on momentarily blinding them. They looked up at the man he had an eye patch covering one eye, dark hair that almost reached his shoulders and gold eyes.

A loud bark came from beside him. "Yes I know Rex." He tossed the dog a treat. "Sherlock?" Libra's voice quivered and the large Great Dane. He had grown a lot. "Sherlock? This is Rex. My spy." He laughed.

"Spy?" Leo was shocked. "He had micro camera attached in his fur. Rex growled at them. "I told him to be nice to you guys." The leader smirked. "Well all I have are a bunch of pitiful assassins at the foot of a great bounty hunter." He walked down the steps.

"I only kill for the money." He had a long cape trailing behind him.  "Now...I have been tracking you for some time, getting information on you. I had a teacher work in your college just to get me info, I know everything about you." He sneered.

"I know your weapon, your fighting style, your love life." He sounded like a stalker. "Well now that I caught you what shall I do with you?" He traced a finger down Leo's face. Leo jerked away "don't touch me." He growled. "A bit feisty aren't we?" The leader chuckled.

"You piss me off." He looked at Aries. "I heard that promise you said to your girlfriend, I suggest you don't make ones you can't keep." He slapped Aries. Aries bit his lip to control his temper. He walked over to Taurus "you keep trying to protect your love but keep failing, it makes me laugh." He moved to Aquarius.

"You are quite entertaining you know that? You got captured by the prime minister, correct? I don't even need to explain your stupidity." He stroked a strand of her jet black hair.

"Shall I help you?" He slid glasses on Capricorn's face. "How?" He received a hard slap to the face. "Don't speak unless I tell you to." He hissed. "Your the archer correct? Your a talented one, too bad your precious bow was broken to pieces, your father gave it to you correct?" He had an evil grin plastered on his face.

He didn't even bother getting to the others. "Well now that I have gotten to know you its my turn." He whistled, calling Rex over. He gently pet Rex in the head. "I am a bounty hunter, not an assassin, I have been to your college but it utterly failed me." He sighed an leaned back in his chair.

He ran a hand through his hair and laughed. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Aries had the guts to ask. "Glad you asked." He put a hand over his eye patch.

"I'm Ophichus."


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