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"Ughuughugh." Pisces sounded like a zombie she was huddled in the computer room making weird noises. Capricorn happened to pass by he passed the class as usual and the he heard Pisces's unnatural sounds and backed up.

He saw Pisces pounding her head with her fists. "You ok?" Capricorn asked, concerned. Pisces gasped and looked at him with crazy eyes. Cap saw the endless cups of coffee next to her.

"Y-ya I'm perfectly fine." She sounded jittery and spoke too fast. He noticed the dark circles under her eyes and her hair was a tangled mess. "I need coffee." She took another sip from the cup.

"W-what a-are you doing here Cap?" She was bouncing in her seat. "Clearly I need to help you, when is the last time you slept?" He put his books down to clean up the coffee cups.

"I think it's been three days, I don't know I lost count." She began facing the computer again and typed frantically. "What are you working are?" Cap dumped the cups in the trash. "Something for my computer class, the teacher wants me to demonstrate something, I have to prepare a presentation and program EVERYTHING." Her eye twitched.

"Ok you need to stop and look at me." Cap went to the computer and turned it off. "HEY! I was working on that!" She yelled. She was cranky. "You need some sleep!" Cap yelled back at her. "I-I need coffee." She reached for the cup.

Capricorn snatched away the cup before she grabbed it and threw it in the trash "no more coffee for you." He crossed his arms. Pisces adjusted her glasses "I was drinking that..." She rubbed her eyes and yawned loudly. "Not anymore. Now you need to go to sleep! Did you even remember it's your birthday today?" He looked at her.

"My birthday? Today?" She was clearly running on nothing to fuel her brain. "You didn't remember you birthday? Ok go sleep now!" He pointed at her. Pisces gave in to the feeling and her head slumped until it was laying on the desk.

Her soft breathing the only sound in the room. "I didn't mean here..." Cap face palmed. "Ok I have to deal with you now." He reached for her and picked her up. He saw Taurus pass by and decided to ask for help. "Taurus can you help me take Pisces to her room? I don't know her dorm." He held The sleeping Pisces in his arms.

Taurus winced and said "sorry man I have to be somewhere with Aqua if I'm late again she will probably poison my food." He apologized and moved on.

Cap sighed and saw Leo pass by. "Leo a little help please?" He called. Leo didn't want to deal with this and fakes an excuse. "WHATS THAT LIBRA? IM COMING!!" He shouted loudly and quickly left.

"Guess it's just me." Cap began to walk outside. Pisces wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled in his jacket. "So warm..." She mumbled.

Cap blushes madly and walked to the girls dorms. He saw Virgo practicing her skills and asked "Virgo, do you know where Pisces's dorm is?" Virgo thought a moment and nodded. "Ya, floor 2, room 5H." He pointed. "Thanks, someone is willing to help today." He caught sight of Leo and Taurus.

He walked up the steps and found himself beginning to tire. "Almost there." He motivated himself. He made it to room and forgot that it would be locked. He knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. No answer.

"You have got to be kidding me..." He sighed. "Guess my room will have to do." He walked another block to the guys dorm, he was panting now. "Are you ok?" Aries saw him, Gemini was beside him. "Oops, sorry I didn't open the door." She winced.

Cap ignored them and went to his dorm, which he shared with Taurus. He opened the door, it was unlocked. Really Taurus? Forgot to lock it again? He would scold him later, right now it felt like his arms were going to fall off.

He walked in and gently placed her on his bed. He sighed at the relief of the burning pain. Capricorn had to finish his present to her.

7:30 pm

Pisces yawned as she woke up, she felt refreshed and energetic again, but where was she? She looked around. She heard the rushing sound of water. She saw glasses on the nightstand, she was wearing hers so that means...

Pisces made a sound and blushed, she was in Capricorns room, she must have been knocked out cold. She checked herself, "ok I'm wearing all my clothes." She was relieved. She heard the shower stop.

Oh god he was coming out, should I pretend to sleep? She bit her nail, a bad habit she had when she was nervous or pressured. The door opened and thankfully Capricorn was fully dressed. She sighed. "Oh your awake? Good!" He smiled.

This www the first time Pisces saw him without out glasses and she loved it. His blue eyes seemed to pop out more in contrast to his yellow blond hair. She admired him for a few moments.

"What are you staring at?" He put his glasses back on, pulling her back from her trance. "Nothing." She smiled. "Cap checked his watch and smirked "perfect time lets go!" He grabbed her wrist. Pisces smoothed out her hair while running, bringing back the neat look she had before.

He pulled her all the way up to the roof. There were two chairs set up in the center. "What is this?" She looked confused. "You birthday present." He looked at her compassionately. The sun was going down blending into the ninth sky.

They both relaxed in their chairs. "Ok!" He handed her a remote with a single button. "Press it when your ready." He looked excited. Pisces took it and looked around and then back at the remote. Not being able to resist the temptation she pressed it quickly.

"Now look." He pointed to the sky. Pisces looked up. A loud noise echoed and then a burst of color lit up the sky, reds, blues, greens exploded in the air. She stared in awe. "Homemade fireworks!" He shouted.

Pisces looked at him. "Wait it's the finale." He pointed. She stared. The biggest firework exploded and spelled out Happy birthday, in rainbow colors. Smaller fireworks continued exploding.

"Like it? Took me awhile to perfect the formula and timing." He laughed. "Like it? I LOVE IT!" She reached over to hug him, Capricorn accepted the hug and tightly held her. He smelled like the day after it rained, fresh and sharp.

"I feel like I should repay you somehow." She mysteriously smiled. "Oh I think you know what to repay me with." Capricorn winked and pulled her in. Pisces smiled and felt their lips touch.

She throughly enjoyed the kiss while under the starry sky and fireworks, it made her forget about everything. His hands slid to her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

They finally had to come up for air. She was put a breath along with Cap. She pecked a kiss on his cheek and gave a great big bear hug. Cap heard cheering from the ground. "GO CAP!" Of course it was Leo's voice.

Capricorn and Pisces walked to the edge and waved at everyone down his hand was respectfully on her waist. Pisces leans against his chest and enjoyed the last few fireworks and then she remembered.

The project was due tomorrow, looks like another night of not sleeping....

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