Study buddy!

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"Hey Aries! What are you doing later?" Gemini had her usual bubbly personality. Aries looked at her and then went back to reading his book. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" She yelled in his ear.

"And I'm ignoring you." Aries put on his headphones. Gemini had an angry face and stomped off. "What's wrong?" Cancer put a hand on Gemini's shoulder. "Nothing...I'm fine!" Gemini shrugged her off. "No your not, I can tell by your face." Cancer sighed and sat next to her.

Gemini gave a pleading look. "It's Aries again isn't it?" Cancer shook her head. "You need to stop going after this guy when he is clearly not interested in you." She held Gem's hand. "I know, I know, but I thought he would accept this time!" She said stubbornly.

"You said that the last five times he rejected you." Cancer sighed. Gemini realized that sounded terrible out loud. "Gemini you need to get this man out of your head, it's the best for you." Cancer squeezed her hand.

"Maybe your right, he doesn't even care that I'm alive." She sighed. Cancer smiled. "There are plenty of other men out there." Cancer assured. "Thanks Cancer." Gemini said. Gemini face a sad smile and saw Cancer leave.

It was the weekend and she had lots of homework to do. "Better get started." She groaned at the pile of papers in her hand. She went to the campus library to her homework.

She loves reading, it took her away from reality and placed her in a wonderful place. She sat down on the chair and took out a pencil and began working.

Aries was working on his own work until he came across some homework he had know idea what to do. "Ugh I hate stealth homework!" He ran a hand through his fiery red hair. "What kind of problem is this?!" He slammed the pencil down.

He read it again.

Your surrounded by trees and being chased by wolfs, hiding is no use they can sniff you out, you have nothing on you, no weapons, food or water. How do your escape them?

He thought about a couple solutions but always ran into a dead end. "Jump into water? No they can swim, climb a tree? No they would camp under me until I come down." He became frustrated and was on the verge of ripping his paper.

"Dude, calm down." Leo had a hand around Libra. "Don't tell ME to calm down!" He said while gritting his teeth. "Ok ok, I'm going I'm going,you should go to the library and get some answers." He said and then walked off with Libra at his side.

"Screw you." He whispered and stalked off to the library. "Hey Gemini can you help me with this problem?" Capricorn asked. Gemini nodded and helped him. "I don't know what the chemical formula for acetone is." He sounded embarrassed.

"Oh that's easy let's see! It's C3H6O these are the hydrogen molecules and these are the oxygen." She explained by pointing at various parts of the picture. "Thanks!" He went off to do the rest himself.

Aries entered the library and had a bored look on his face. "Ugh, too many people." He said to himself. He sat at the table across from Gemini and began thinking on the problem he was stuck on.

He definitely saw Gemini in fact she was the first thing his eyes saw but he paid no attention to it. Gemini looked up and noticed that Aries was sitting on the table across from her. He looked frustrated and looked like he wanted to rip something apart.

Don't do it Gemini, don't go over there, remember what Cancer said, forget about him, ignore him, IGNORE HIM! She yelled at herself in her head. She gave in and walked over to him. Why do I do this to myself. She sighed.

Her short pixie cut hair bobbed up and down as she walked over to him. "Hey." She was going to try a new tactic, be less energetic and yell in his face. "What do you want." He scoffed.

"DON'T TALK- I mean." She lowered her voice, she knew he hates loud noises. "I saw that you looked frustrated I was wondering if you needed help with something." She said calmly.

Aries squinted at this new Gemini. "Yes I do need help, I'm stuck on this problem from stealth class, but I doubt you know it, you don't even take that class." He showed her the problem. "I can try." She sounded confident.

She read the problem about five times and then without thinking sat next to him. She was concentrating until it popped in her head. "I got it!" She picked up his pencil and wrote down the answer.

"First, you would have to lose your scent, cover yourself in something overpowering so they lose your trail, and then you can run somewhere safe." She smiled at him. He was surprised that it was such an obvious answer.

"I see now, thanks." His mouth lifted into a small smile. He smiled? HE SMILED! She was celebrating in her head. "So can I still accept your offer earlier?" He winked. Gemini blushed stuttered. "Y-yes, I was wondering if you wanted to get ice cream with me." Her voice was soft.

"Ice cream in winter?" He debated. "Or we can do something else!" She didn't want to drive him away. "No, ice cream sounds delicious." He had a huge smile on his face.

At the ice cream shop

"So what do you to want?" The old man asked. "I want cotton candy!" She sounded like a child. Aries chucked "vanilla please." He said. "You so boring!" Gemini teased. "Hey, if vanilla want invented there would be no ice cream." Aries shrugged.

"Alright 5$." The man said. "Here." Aries gave him a five dollar bill. "Consider it a thank you for helping me." He looked over at Gemini. They walked out licking and eating their ice cream. "It's so good!" She sighed.

It was chilly outside so Gemini was wearing a coat and a scarf. Aries was wearing his jacket and gloves. They sat down on a snowy bench. Aries already finished his ice cream, Gemini was halfway done.

"You take forever to eat." Aries faced her. "Well I like to savor my food." She licked the blue ice cream. Aries felt an overwhelming feeling build up in his chest. Gemini hummed and swung her legs. Her cute hair, swinging side to side.

"Screw it." He grabbed her by the chin and kissed her lightly at first and then more harshly. Gemini stared at his closed eyes, he was kissing her?! Gem dropped her ice cream so she could wrap her arms around his neck.

His mouth was sweet and tasted of Vanilla. "You better get some action!" A voice interrupted them. Aries looked angrily and the person he was even more angry after seeing who it was. "LEOOOOO!" Aries yelled and bounded after him. Leo snickered and ran away.

"Good job girl." Libra popped up behind Gemini. "Did you follow us?" She looked at her. "Of course we did, you two were irresistible, nice to see it worked out in the end." Libra pinched a cheek a blew a kiss at her.

"I have to go save Leo now." She jogged to where Aries was chasing around Leo. Gemini smiled, Aries had just kissed her. She sighed at the thought.  

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