The CEO's Trio ~ Four

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Chapter 4| Meeting the CEO himself.

5 months later

"First we'll go get fish and chips, then we'll go and see the babies gender." I explained to Amber as we walked down the busy London street.

Anita had gone to work and normally Amber would just go home by herself but now that I was here I took here to school and back. The extra company was great, she was a very intelligent five year old.

"I want the baby to be a girl so I can dress her up." Amber told me as she grabbed my hand and we crossed the road together.

"I hope it's a girl too," I smiled, rubbing my baby bump."So she can wear really cute dresses and we can do up her hair. But really any gender is fine, so long as it's healthy."

I still haven't told Dennis about the baby, but I'm planning to send him pictures of my latest scan, hopefully he'll figure it out.

The baby wasn't doing its normal kicks and moving around in my stomach today. But I wasn't worried.

Well atleast I didn't think I was.

"How about there?" I suggested, pointing to a small fish and chips shop.

"Yeah!" Amber exclaimed eagerly, practically dragging me inside.

"Calm down, I'm pregnant remember." I laughed allowing her to continue leading the way.

That was now my excuse for getting out of everything.

"Sorry Lee, but I just love fish and chips." She apologised licking her lips.

We walked into the shop and Amber sat down as I ordered her food, I decided not to get anything since my belly was hurting, and I'm not too sure fish would make it better.

The music came to a sudden halt and voice were now heard.

"Mrs Olive Reynolds, has just died during childbirth, God bless her soul. Ambulances were seen rushing out of the Reynolds household, taking barely consuiss Olive to the hospital, where she delivered the baby, naturally and unexpectedly."

"Close sources to the Reynolds state, she passed a little while after holding her child for the first time. Supposedly she died of postpartum bleeding but was able to produce a three week premature baby, we are still unsure of the gender.

"Here you go." The man smiled at us handing us two boxes of fish and chips.

"Thank you!" We replied in unison as I handed Amber her box ot chips.

"Why do they put newspapers on it?" She pondered, taking a chip and stuffing it in her mouth.

"I'm not too sure." I replied, rubbing my belly.

"Do you want some?" Amber offered, holding up a chip.

"No thanks, I'm way too nevous to eat." I replied hastily, as I put the other box of fish and chips in my bag.

The smell of chips was making me feel queasy, I had to stop walking for a moment to take a deep breath and remind myself that everything was fine.

"Why?" Amber questioned, pressing on the stop button.

"Something doesn't feel right." I replied, not going into detail so I didn't scare Amber.



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