The CEO's Trio ~ Thirty-Two

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Hey guys :)

#154 in Romance ❤





"Good morning Ryleeanna," Savannah greeted patting the seat next to her "How did you sleep?"

"Fine, thank you. You?"

"Well it was quite relaxing but I feel as if my pillows aren't soft enough," she babbled on as I began to cut through the very funny tasting bacon that she'd made.

But then again I couldn't cook.

"Shall I change them, once I get the chance? We have some feather pillows in the storage," I questioned smiling at her, while trying to figure out why the hell she was still here.

"Oh that'd be lovely Ryleeanna, you're such an angel!" She gushed pulling me into a warm hug.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Molly shooting daggers at me.

I don't know who I disliked more, her or Audrianna?

"Good morning Aunty," Molly greeted "Rylee."

"Melinda." I slightly nodded my head, giving her a small smile.

"Where's Seb?" Molly questioned twirling her long blonde hair, then Audrianna strolled in swaying her hips.

"Yeah, I haven't seen my baby in hours." She sighed pouting.


"He's not your baby." Molly added smiling fakely at Audrianna who turned to glare at her.

"You're right, he's not my baby he's basically my husband." She bragged picking at her long acrylic nails. I rolled my eyes at their stupid childish argument and picked up my plate scraping out the leftovers before washing my dishes and exiting the room.

"Good morning," Olivia chirped beaming at me "Can Lex pick me up from school today? I promise I'll be good."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously, then I remembered how she'd acted around him and nodded my head slowly "You're not allowed to cause him any trouble ok?" And she nodded her head eagerly.

"Yay! Bye Rylee- the best nanny in the whole wide world!" She exclaimed picking up her school bag and running out of the house.

I just smiled and shook my head.

This child was really something else.



"Have you and Sebastian spoken since yesterday?" Lex asked, slipping his hand in mine as we walked into the building together.

"Not really." I shrugged, pushing Oliver's stroller into the lift.

I had read almost half of his diary last night, rereading some of my favourite entry's.

"I apologize for lashing out on you, yesterday. It's... personal." He sighed, pressing on a button. I watched the lift doors close and bit my lip.

Sebastian had requested for me to bring Oliver and Olive to his office to visit him.

I was so nervous.

He had requested I come around the babies nap time, so while they slept it would only be Sebastian and I.

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