Chapter 4: La Push

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Back to Jessica

I've been sat on the plane for three hours, it was almost time to land. I was nervous and scared, the same questions that I have with every tribe meeting ran through my mind. I began biting my finger nails, it was a new habit of mine; helps with the nerves. In-taking a deep breath I pulled my belt over my body and clicked it into place, there I waited for the plane to safety land.

Exiting the plane, I pull my phone out and rang Billy before collecting my bag.

"Hello Jessica" He answered on the third ring.

"Hey Billy, I'm here just need to collect my bag" I told him.

"Okay, I'm leaving now with my son" He says, it was then I heard a deep voice in the background, I guess that was his son "We won't be long"

"See you soon" I say then ended the call, I walked to grab my bags, finding them I pick them up and went to wait outside the airport. My mind was once again running wild with questions, doubts and fears "deep breaths Jess, you've done this before" I whispered hoping to reassure myself but I really wasn't having much luck. What if he's not here? I hate been disappointed, I just want to find him and settle down in one place. I want to see my parents again, it's hard been away from them. We have always been a close family. What if I did find him? What if he didn't like me? What if he didn't want an imprint and tried to reject me? Dad told me that a imprint bond is strong and if either of use tried to reject or avoid each other, we would both suffer from pain and sickness til it gets too much and then we died, sounds wonderful doesn't it.

I was in such thought I hardly realized there was a blue truck in front of me till the horn beeped. I jumped in the air, my hand placed our my racing heart, breathing deeply, I tried to control my heart for a moment "Jessica?" A older long dark haired man asked. He was sat in the passenger seat, the driver seat was occupied with a young lad about sixteen or seventeen, he was tanned and nicely build and had a tribal tattoo on his right upper arms. Everything about him screamed wolf and a high ranked wolf.

"Hey Billy and.." I paused not knowing his son's name.

"Jacob or Jake" The son answered, he gazed into my eyes but nothing happened, no connection, no pulled. I sighed sadly but put on a smile. Well that's one down, many more disappointments to come. I placed my bags in the back before climbing in myself "Ready to go?" Jake asked, I nod my head in reply and lean back in my seat, placing the seat belt over me.

"Do you mind if I ask a couple of questions Billy?"

"No sweetheart go a head" He smiled at me.

"How many wolves do you have? And how many have imprints?" I asked looking at them both, Billy turns his head and made eye contact.

"Well, we have Jacob, Quil, Seth, Leah.."

"Wait you have a girl?" I asked shocked in all the tribes I've been to I was the only girl that shifted.

"Yes, we don't know how, It just happened" Billy says

"That's awesome. The tribes I've been to have all been males" I explained with a grin on my face. I couldn't wait to meet this female she - wolf. "Anyway continue, I won't interrupt again" I bashfully say with a hint of blush on my cheek. Jake chuckled lightly but didn't say a word just kept his eyes firmly on the road.

"We have Embry, Paul, Jared and Sam" My whole body shivered in delight as he said the last name, does this means something? Maybe I'm over thinking it, dad didn't says anything about shivering at the mention of your imprint. "The wolves with imprint are; Paul he's imprinted on my daughter. Then there's Quil he's imprint on Claire a six year old so he's her older brother and then the last one is Jared his imprint is Kim, quite a shy girl but she lovely just right for Jared"

"Only three? Other tribe I've been too more then five had imprints" I commented.

"Well sweetheart, I hope you can make three into four, these boys are nice but can be protective, not that you need to be protected"

"Ha, I'm the one who's going to protect you lot" I giggled, sighing softly I stared out the window and watched the passing trees, through the clearing over the trees I saw a hint of water and sand. That could only mean one thing; beach.

I think I'm going to like here 'please let my imprint be here' I prayed to the spirits above.

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