Chapter 40: Afterwards

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Things slowly become normal; well normal as our lives could get. During the week after the defeat of Isabella Cullen, we gained two new members Collin Littlesea; he is Jacob's cousin and Brady Fuller who is related to a few members of the pack.

The cause of their change was Bella, her just being here for only a few days effected them. Once the change starts , there is no stopping it, until it is complete. The boys have learnt to accept what they are and have become the jokers of the pack.

We also learnt that the reason why Maddy changed was because she was the the Alpha's mate. With Maddy coming from a strong bloodline of wolves herself, she was destined to become a wolf herself. This also made it easier to run the pack together; along side me.

I ran my hand through my hair as I sat in the waiting room of the hospital. I was here to see Sue, she wanted to check my arm over. During the fight with Bella, I hadn't realized at the time but I had broken my arm. However with us having fast healing, Sue was worried that all the bone didn't mend the way it should.

"Jessica Uley" My mouth twitched at the sound of my name; it still hasn't sunk in that I was a Uley instead of a Evan's. I look up and to see Sue standing a bit away from me "Come on sweetie" I give her a smile and picked up my bag then followed Sue into the room.

We chatted for about a hour as she was checking me over. In the end everything was fine and I was free to go "Thank you" I tell her and kiss her cheek before jumping off the bed. My stomach twisted and sick raised in my throat.

"Are you okay Jess?" Sue asks concern written over her face.

I took a deep breath and slowly nod my head "Yes, thank you"

"Your welcome sweetie" She walks me to the door "Only the best for our guardian wolf" She says with a wide smile "If you need something do be afraid to ask" I sent her a look as a knowing smile played on her lips.

I shook my head and opened the door but paused just before leaving, I turn around and face Sue. Her smile had widen; she was beaming at me. I took a shakily breath and look down to the ground "There might be something you can do" I whispered.

"I believe there is Jessica Uley" I let out a laugh and closed the door, taking a seat next to Sue once more.

After taking another hour in the hospital and a confirmation, I headed to the store to pick up a few things before going home and wait for my husband to return from patrol with Paul and Brady.

It felt like forever waiting for Sam to come home but only a couple of hours had pasted by. I had the TV on but hardly paid attention to it, by the time Sam did enter the house I was half a sleep and curled up on the sofa. Sam came over and greeted me with a kiss "Hey beautiful" I smile up at him as he looks me over "How about you head to bed and I'll cook myself something"

"Hmm" I mumbled and slowly raised myself of the sofa "Thank you handsome" I say and kiss his cheek.

"Anything for you" He says and places a kiss upon my lips "Goodnight"

He moved away from me and once again looked me over, at the same time as my stomach once again twisted. I notice him frown at me, my guess is that I went pale in the face "Are you okay Jessy?" He asked, his voice laced in concern.

I put on a fake smile "Perfect" I tell him, my hands began playing with the bottom of my shirt; i was become a little nervous "Coul-" I clear my throat and spoke once again "Could you get me some orange juice from the fridge?"

"Sure" He says and moves to the kitchen "But after that your going to bed" He orders me, making me laugh.

"Yes boss" I shot back. My breath caught in my throat and my hands became sweaty as I heard the fridge door open and close before a small gasp escapes my husband's lips.

He had seen the massage.

I took a breath and made my way into the kitchen, I saw him staring at the fridge door. His hands gripped the orange carton. I turn my attention to the door, my heart and mind still couldn't believe what was happening.

When I was at the store I bought fridge magnet letters and spelt out: 'I can't wait to meet you daddy'. Underneath the letters was a scan of our baby that I had done earlier today.

"Sam" He turns his head to look at me, he eyes travel down my body to my stomach.

"Your pregnant?" His voice cracks as he spoke. I nod my head and place my hand on my stomach where our baby would be for another 8 months. It was a bit of a surprise to find out that I was pregnant before our wedding. Sam eyes fill with tears but a smile played on his lips, he rushes over to me and kisses the life out of me. We broke apart and laugh, Sam moves his hand and places it on top of the one that laid on my stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you either little one"

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