Chapter 29: Shopping Trip Disaster

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After taking about a hour to get ready me and Maddison finally walk down the stairs, our boys look over at us from the living room. A warm smile worked it's way upon Sam's lips, he pauses the DVD and moves over to me; Jacob did the same to Maddie.

I place a kiss on Sam's cheek, nose and finally his lips "Have fun baby" Sam whispers to me as we pulled apart.

"Don't worry we will" I winked at him and place another kiss on his lips "I love you" I smile at him as his cheeks redden. I let out a little giggle before going over to my cousin and Jake; I pull her out of his embrace "I'll look after her brother"

Jake clears his throat ad rubbed the back of his neck "I know you will sis" He whimpers as Maddie moves from his grip "Do call if you and Leah have any trouble" I rolled my eyes at him, it was only then did I realize that Jake had given his first order.

Not that it would affected me, being the Guardian wolf and all. At one point I would have to break an order; which is impossible to do. The Alpha's of every pack I went to knew this and never once tried to order me to do anything.

I took a quick look to my boyfriend, he looks at Jake in shock but pleased all the same. I smile lightly at his un tense shoulders, I knew my mate never wanted to be alpha. The role was put on him as he was the first to phase, not only that but he knew Jake wasn't ready for the role. However, now that Jake has Maddison things might just change.

And I honestly couldn't wait for that time. When the does come I just hope Sam doesn't fight the switch; it would hurt me to see both my imprint and brother scrap.

"Jakey we will be fine" Maddie reassures him, she moves closer to him and kisses his cheek. The young alpha blushes and looks away, making Maddie chuckle "Let's get a move on before they change their minds Jess"

I nod in agreement "See you later boys" We both exit the house and go to my truck. I turn on the engine "How red did Jake go" I giggled out.

"Tell me about it" She sighs "It was so cute" I smile softly at her expression, I was so glad to see that Jake had an imprint and that it was my cousin.

At least I knew she would be safe and protected for the rest of her life.

We arrived at the Clearwater's in a matter of minutes, I beeped the horn and no sooner Leah walks out the door "Come on girls lets shop till we drop" She cheered, I whoop and drove out of La Push. I was so glad me and Leah had made up, she was such a lovely women and would make any man lucky to be her imprint.

"Where are we going first?" I asked as we pulled up to the parking lot. I turn the engine off and slip out of the truck, placing my handbag over my shoulder.

"How about we just look around" Maddie suggested.

"Sounds good" Leah agreed.

"Sure" I nod and locked my truck up, before linking arms with my girls "Oh, Maddie your going to have to let Leah pick something out for you" I beamed "She pick out that dress I wore on my birthday"

"Really" Maddie says looking to Leah, the poor girl looks to the ground embarrassed "You have amazing taste" She giggles "Maybe you can pick out my outfit when I have my first date with Jake"

"And why would you have a date with my Jakey" I growled at the sound of Mrs Isabella Cullen. We all turn around to see Bella and Alice, the vampire was carrying six bags of shopping from Hot topic as Bella was only carrying one from the same place.

"See your still human" Leah snapped, I could see how hard it was for her to keep her wolf at bay, I place my hand on her shoulder and gently rubbed it, hoping to calm her down.

She wasn't the only one that looked pissed, Maddie eyes narrowed at the young women in front of her. We had told her all about Isabella and how she had played our Jacob.

"Not for long" Bella replies, her eyes not leaving my cousin. Having enough I push her behind me "Hello Jess" She says to me with an innocent look on her face "Is she the reason why Jake hasn't been calling me?"

I growl "Jake isn't calling you because he doesn't want to" I told her, I felt Maddie grab my hand. I instantly calmed myself, my wolf didn't want to hurt family. Plus she was an imprint, and an imprint being harm by other wolves is against our law.

They were to be loved and protected.

"It's because of her isn't it?" She whined, what a big baby.

"No maybe because you haven't made the effort to call him" Leah growled out, holding on Maddie. I knew her wolf was ready to protect her if anything happened.

"Oh, well you can tell him I will come and see him later" She beamed.

I took a step forward, Alice's eyes widen in fear and place her hand on Bella "YOU are NOT allowed on our land" I growled darkly "You ARE a CULLEN now and by the treaty laws you can't step foot on our land without permission"

"I'm sure Jake will give me it"

"No he won't" Maddie piped up from behind me.

Bella glared at the girl "This is your fault" She walks forwards "Jacob is mine"

"You have Edward" I snapped at her "Your precious vampire"

"I don't care Jacob is still min-"

Leah growled and cut her off "Maddison is his imprint" Bella's eyes widen in disbelief and shook her head not wanting to believe Leah "He imprinted on her not you"

"So get over it" I cut in.

"I think we should be going Bella" Alice chimes in, pulling the women back away from us shaking wolves.

"I agree" I nod my head at Alice, gripping hold of my cousin and went to walk in the opposite direction.

"You just wait you whore" Bella screamed "Once I'm changed your going to get it" My whole body froze, I turn around to look at the poor excuse of a girl in front of me.

I saw the fear in both girl and vampire's eyes, my shaking had gone over the top "Don't you dare threaten my cousin" I darkly growled, my wolf was clawing to break free and take care of Bella Cullen.

"She didn't mean it" Alice whimpered.

"I don't believe that for a second" I slowly walk towards the pair, like they were my prey; in a way both women were "Above all Isabella Cullen do not threaten an imprint"

My body couldn't handle the wait any longer, the wolf was ready to appear. Leah rushes forward and grab my arm and pushes me toward the small pack of trees that would lead to the woods "Head for the woods" I whimpered at little not wanted to leave my cousin "I'll get her home safe Jess"

I look Leah in the eyes and nodded, I quickly sprinted to the wood. As I made it to the edge my wolf broke free, I pushed my self further into the woods. I let out a dangerous howl warning animals to keep away from me, before darkness crept into my vision.

I was lost to my wolf.

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