Chapter 6: Imprinting

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I stood frozen, staring deeply into the eyes of my soul mate.

Flashes of events meant to come jotted through my mind. I saw a medium height man with short black hair and tanned skin his face was oval shape and stern but his eyes where what drew me in. They were the darkest shade of brown I have ever seem. The man, who I so badly wanted to know his name stroked away a piece of hair behind my ear before leaning in pulling me into a heartwarming kiss. Just watching the scene made my heart flutter and a little breathless. I just couldn't believe how happy I looked. The image changed to a lovely small but cozy red house surrounded by the forest, outside laid two figures. The sun shined brightly over the pair revealing me and my imprint, we were snuggled on the ground talking, my imprint soon sat up pulling out a ring from his short pocket. Once more it changed to me in a gorgeous wedding dress, walking down the aisle to meet my imprint and bond for life.

Forever and Always.

As soon as I thought it was finished the image of a blurred out child with what looked like curly black hair. I smiled widely at having a child with my imprint, I just couldn't wait for that time to come. I know I'm thinking to far a head right now; I mean, I've only just met him. Well wolf him. Finally fading away I stared intensely at the pure black wolf in front of me.

"I can't believe it's happened" I thought in shock to myself only to hear the sound of a wolf whimpering "Oh crap, I've connected to the packs mind link without realizing"

"Did you not want it to happen?" He asked helplessly not wanting it to be a mistake.

My eyes widen in shock, I stared deeply in to his eyes "Oh, I'm sorry" I quickly spoke not wanting to damage what would come between us "Of course I wanted it to happen. I've been searching months for you" I say slowly walking over to him. Once in front of him, my imprint rubbed his head against mine, causing me to shiver in delight. I've really found him.

My imprint let out a wolfy chuckle "I'm glad your happy, I am too" He once again gave me a affectionate rub and a quick lick on my cheek I swear if I could blush, I would have pink fur instead of white "Your the guardian wolf. The one that Billy said was coming?" It's wasn't much of a question as he knew I was but I answered.

"Yes" I look to him and gave a little bow "My name is Jessica" I introduced myself.

"Lovely name" He commented and then bowed like I did "I'm Samuel but people call me Sam"

"Samuel" I repeated trying his name out "Do you think I could meet you in person?" I shyly asked "I mean that's if your not doing your patrolling thing" before Sam could reply a sweet sicking smell filled the air. I watch Sam tense and protectively stood in front of me.

"Hey guardian wolf here, I'm suppose to protect you" I argued.

"Well you my imprint and I'm yours so I guess it works both ways" He says giving me a gently rub making me growl softly.

"Awe, isn't this sweet" Someone sneered from upon above us, looking in the direction my eyes caught sight of a pale blonde haired man with disgusting red eyes. Me and my imprint growled threatening the man to run.

"Cute, and they called it puppy love" He sang taunting us, jumping tree to tree. Sam spun his head round following the vampire making sure not to lose him.

"What's up, can't the puppies catch the mighty vampire" I growled lowly, having enough off this vile creature. I crouch down to the ground, bending my back legs before pouncing in to the air catching the vampire by surprise as he move to a lower branch. My teeth latched onto the vampire leg, tightening my grip i pulled the little shit back to the ground with me where Sam waiting to rip his head out. My imprint looks to me with a proud look upon his face.

"That was amazing Jessy" He gives me a quick nudge "I have to change back to set it a light" I nodded but caught him with my paw before he was out of sight.

"Sam, I really want to meet you but I think it time I head back. Billy will be worried" Sam whined but nodded his head before coming closer and licking my cheek, love shined in his eyes.

"Will I see you tomorrow?"

"You can bet on it" I winked and headed back to the Black house, I shifted back and climbed in my bedroom window hoping to be quite but that didn't happen as I knocked the lamp, I quietly cursed to myself.

"Jessica is that you?" Billy shouts through the wall.

"Yes Billy"

"Sweet dreams sweetheart"

"Oh they will be" I though "Sweet dreams" I shout back, flopping on to my bed not bothering about changing my clothes, I snuggled into my pillow with a smile on my face. Today really did happen I can't wait to tell my parents and Billy tomorrow. I squealed excitedly into my pillow, I can't to see him again. I hope I'm good enough for him. My eyes began to close, a yawn escaped my lips, breathing deeply I fell into the land of dreams.

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