Chapter 39: Something Unexpected

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I whimpered as my cousin let out another shattering scream. Jacob took a step back, I could see the tears in his eyes, I felt what he was feeling; helpless. . . He wanted to help his mate but didn't know how.

Maddy became quite, her breathing was still heavy. She looked like she was fighting something, something within her. My heart pounded in my chest, the fear of the thought off her being bitten by Bella. However that would be impossible, we would have seen it; even smell the venom.

I took a step forward, Maddy's head snapped up. Her eyes were red, tears still fell from her eyes. I gently nudged her with my head against her side; causing her to whimper in pain. Jacob growled at me, earning a growl back from me.

A black blur ended up in front of me. . Sam. I let out a breath, I understand Jacob's protectiveness, his mate was in pain and there wasn't anything he could do "Stand down Sam" I ordered.

"But he jus-"

"He is just upset and angry with himself" I shot back "How would you feel if that was me" Sam let out a whine and stepped back, it was then I notice the pack at the edge of the woods; no one was after Bella, right now I don't think any of us cared; a pack mate needed us.

"Jessy" Maddy croaks out, she grabs hold of my fur and uses me to stand up. She stood up straight only to fall once again, I was lucky enough to catch her on my back before she made contact with the ground. I whimpered as her faced paled once more, she leans over to the side and throws up. Her grip tightened on me as she did.

Jacob came up and rubbed her back "Bring it all up babe" He cooed, Maddy stops and cuddles into Jake.

"Isn't this sweet" The annoying voice of Bella called out "The whore and my Jakey" The pack growled out at the bitch. Bella was seriously risking her life standing not too far away from the whole pack, I was starting to believe she was crazy.

In that moment Maddy once again started to scream out but this time her whole body shook; my eyes widen in surprise. . . No this couldn't be happening. . . It was impossible, right? The whole back gasp in mind as my cousin phased, her clothes ripped apart and in her place was a reddish brown and white wolf. . . She was so

"Oh dear" I heard her, I let out a laugh as she ran around in circles, she looks down at her paws and gasps "I have paws" she whined, making me snort.

"Welcome to the pack Maddy" I tell her, I go closer to her and rub my nose against hers "I have no idea why this happened" I told her before she could ask questions "I promise we will find out once Bella is taken care off"


We both turn to face Isabella Cullen, her eyes widen in surprise "That is not possible" She cried out "Now you a wolf too" She screamed and stomped her foot like a two year old "No matter" She muttered, her head moves to the side.

She was planning on running away. She wasn't going to get far, not if I have my way. We all watch as she made the first move in running back into the forest "Let's do this" Jake called out "Who ever catches her, leave her until me, Jess and Maddy get there"

"Yes Jake" We all replied.

We stood in a long line, with all the wolves together we could search all the forest with no problem "GO!" On Jake's order we all ran into the forest for a game of Vampire VS Wolf part two, and this time it will be bye bye Bella.

Me and Maddy stuck close together, I guided her when she needed it. I sniffed around the area we had paused at "Eww!! Gross!!" Maddy wrinkled her nose.

"That's Bella" I told her, I gave the pack our location as she searched for Bella. I hear Maddy growl, I turn to she her look up a tree. . . Bella was up it.

Seriously, what is it with vamps and trees? I growl and move closer to Maddy "Let me just have her Jess" Bella spat out, her eyes never leaving my cousin "Then everything will be back to normal and the Cullen's can come back to Forks" I roll my eyes at her "It is her fault we were told to leave" I growled at her, she flinches as my jaw snaps.

"Get ready Maddy" I look to her "We do this together"

"Together sis"

I bend down to the ground, using my back legs to push me up. I knocked Bella from the tree once again, I landed on my paws, a little bit of pain shot through my from leg but I paid no attention to that. Before she could get up I landed on top of Bella, Jake steps forwards and growls in her face "Go ahead Maddy" Me and Jacob encourage her.

She didn't hesitate in chomping on Bella's neck and pulling it off. . . Her screams where pure heaven for Maddy and me, the threat once more was gone. I jump off her body leaving it for my pack brothers and sister to finish off, I go over to my cousin given her a loving nudge.

I sat down looking at the remains of Isabella Cullen and let out a sigh, I felt someone sit next to me, I look to see my husband; he licks my cheek, making me purr a little "It is finally over" Sam tells me.

I nod my head with a wolfy smile on my face "Yes it is"

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