Chapter 19: Fight And Hurt

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We rushed into battle, Sam lead us followed by me then Jared and Paul. I pounced straight onto a young women and quickly ripped her head off, my heart went out to them all, most were teenagers. Some looked frightened but continued to battle, hungry for blood in the near by town. I grabbed hold of my third vampire by the arms and instantly ripped it off, whiles he cried out in pain I went for the kill and tore his head off from his body.

A girl screamed at the body on the ground, she looks to me her red eyes furious and held revenge. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, I stood tall and waited for her attack but never came instead I watched as she ran over to one of the wolves ...... and not just any wolf MY wolf. She slams into his body making him whimper in pain, I growled deeply threatening her, but she paid no mind as she pined my imprint to the ground. My vision blurred, my anger took over. Without any control over my body I leaped into action and immediately destroyed the bitch. She really didn't stand a chance.

'I'm fine baby' Sam reassured me with a nuzzle, I gave him a quick lick before helping out another pack mate. I look around to see most of the newborns were dead, it was then I saw Leah struggle with a muscly man, taking off I pounce on top of him knocking him off the she wolf, I dug my claws into his shoulder making the vampire cry out in pain. I bent down to take his head off but paused in action 'go a head Leah it's your kill' I spoke to her, digging my nail further into his solid body to keep him in place, Leah moved into position and yanked his head off with little effort.

'Thank you' I nod my head in reply, I turn back to the battle field to see all the newborns dead and the wolves staring at me and Leah in surprise.

'What?' I questioned the pack.

'Nothing' There all answered.

I turn to look at the Cullen's to see them all un harmed, it was then Bella, Edward and Seth arrived. I nod my head in there direction and moved to my imprint and pack. My vision began to black out, my senses kicked in, I saw it before it happen.... But it was still to late for me to react. Leah went after a left over vampire that had been hiding "Leah! No!" Edward shouts.

I watched as Jake move forward to help, having no control over my body I pushed Jake out of the way, just in time for the vampire to wrap it's arms around me and crush my rips. I whimpered as of rush of pain covered my body, the pain was too much that I couldn't hold my shift any longer "Jessica" The Cullen's shout as the wolves whimper.

I cried out in pain, tears streamed down my face "Jessy" Sam says rushing over to me, he bends down and place a kiss on my forehead "Oh baby" He whined.

"Jess" Jacob says "You stupid girl" he stroke my hair "Why did you do that?"

"It's all part of been the guardian wolf" The doctor Cullen explains "She probably didn't have control over her body, it her duty to protect you all"

"That sucks" Jared says.

"Tell me about it" Paul agreed.

"You have to get out of here, take her to Billy's and I'll be there once we finished with the Volturi" Carlisle says. The pack pick me up making me cry out and whimper, I could feel parts of my body heal but in the wrong place. I knew what the doctor will have to do and I wasn't looking forward to it.

"Hey, hey" Sam cooed "We've got you baby"

"Sam" I cried out.

"I'm here" I don't know how long it took till we reached Billy's, all I remembered is been placed on a bed with Sam and Jake sitting on either side of me, stroking my hair and whispering reassuring things to me.

"I love you both" I stuttered out, my breathing becoming hard.

"We love you too baby" Sam replies.

"Too right we do" Jacob backs him up, a peaceful silence filled the air for a moment, til a knock on the bedroom door broken it and entered Dr Carlisle Cullen.

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