Chapter 13: First Date

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Once I entered the Black house I was scowled at by Billy for my behavior, god know how he knew. Anyway that was until we explained what the she wolf did. He told me well done for putting her in her place, no one should touch someones imprint; especially a pack brother or in this case sister. We just hope she really has learnt her lesson or we will have to for round 2 and this time I will go all out on her.

However my day hasn't been too bad as Sam asked me on a date, our first date. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time, I've never been on a date before. I seriously don't know what to wear or how to act.

Oh man I'm going to mess up this date.

So right now I'm searching through the wardrobe looking for a perfect outfit, but how do I pick the right one if I have no clue where we are going. I finally stopped at a cute dress, smiling I picked it up and placed it over myself and looked in the mirror; perfect.

In a hour I was for my date, I walked into the kitchen to see Billy and Jacob seated at the table "So what do you think?" I asked turning around.

Jacob eyes widen and pouted "Oh, no. Obviously not"

I frowned and looked down at myself "Is it that bad?"

"What?" He asked confused, then realized his mistake "No, you look amazing"

I laughed along with Billy at Jake "Being over protective there Jacob" He says them looks to me "You look beautiful Jess. Sam's one lucky guy"

I sighed, smiling widely at the thought of my imprint "No, I'm the lucky one" In that moment there was a knock on the door, Jake shot up from his chair to answer the door before I got the chance to move.

"Is she ready Jake?" I heard the husky voice of my imprint, causing a pleasant shiver to run down my spine.

"Yes, she is. But first Mr Uley, we need to have a few words" Jake says, my eyes widen in surprise as Billy chuckled.

"Better go save him Jess" I nod my head and placed a kiss on Billy's cheek.

"I won't be out to late"

"I'll know where you are if you don't come home" He winked earning a blush from me. Now time to save poor Sam from the big brother.

"Jake" I scowled "Leave him alone"


"But nothing" I cut him off "Now you leave Sam alone and go and do patrol"

"But I don't have patrol" Jake says confused.

"You do now" I giggled at the frown on his face, placing a kiss on his cheek, I grabbed Sam's hand and we headed to the car "Hello handsome" I say as we were both seat.

"Hello beautiful" He leans over and gives me a peck before starting up the car.

"So, where are we going?" I questioned.

"You'll see" Was all he said as he place his hand on top of my head and moved then onto the gear stick. I smiled at the actions of my imprint. I really did get a good guy, I'm really grateful for that. I understand why Leah likes him, poor girl, something inside me felt sorry for her but not at the same time. I just felt that she has something big to play in our lives, honestly I don't know whether or not to be worried.

"Where's that beautiful mind of yours wonder of too?" Sam questioned.

"I have no clue, I guess I just spaced out" I lied, not wanting to talk about Leah on our date.

Five minutes later Sam pulled up to a restaurant "Wow, this looks fancy. I should of guessed. I mean you are wearing rather smart clothes" I giggled and got out of the car "You know I would of been happy just to walk down the beach with an ice cream and some fish and chips" I commented.

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