Athena Pan

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Hi, I'm Athena Pan, Peter Pan's younger sister and the only Lost Girl.

You've probably heard of Peter Pan, the Lost Boys, and Neverland right? Well, my brother is shown as happy and playful, the Lost Boys are shown as playful kids who love adventures, and Neverland, a safe-haven where you can do anything. But Neverland is nothing like the stories. Yes, you can do anything, but it is a dark place full of danger. The mermaids are bitches and dangerous, the fairies are ok but they mostly just stay out of our way, and us? Well, let's just say no one likes us.

My brother? Let me tell you, he is nothing like the stories. He is evil and manipulative. He will play games with your mind, and when he wants something he will get it. I am just as bad though, so I can't really smash him about it because then I'd be a hypocrite, but he is my brother and I will defend and protect him til I die. He always lets me help with the plans and games we play, he values my opinion very highly and relies on them quite a bit. Since I understand how his mind works because we are basically the same, I can understand where he is going with his plans and what he wants to achieve out of them.

One thing that no one knows is that I am Peter's greatest weakness. He will do anything to keep me safe and protected. Never underestimate the lengths he will go to in order to protect someone he loves. Maybe it is just because I'm his sister, but Peter has always taken very good care of me, and we would do anything for each other. He is my only family and, no matter how evil he seems to others, family is very important to him. I don't know whether it is just to me, but underneath that dark, devious exterior, lies a boy who was abandoned and abused by our parents as a kid and only had one person to rely on and

Then we found Neverland...
Here, we can do whatever the hell we want with no consequences. Peter and I have the same powers and skills. We trained together for years before the Lost Boys showed up. The Lost Boys are like my brothers; they all treat me like a sister. Peter does care for them, it just doesn't seem like it to an outside person.

A/N: In this, Peter Pan is not going to be related to anyone except Athena. No "Pan is Rumple's father" stuff. I am going to change it up, but you'll find out exactly how later in the story. But for now, enjoy.

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