Chapter 11

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I was talking to Regina about what I needed to do to save both Henry and myself.

“The first thing you need to do if you are going to be able to create a new, pure heart, is recognise, accept, and, in some cases, mend the bonds that have been torn or broken between yourself and those close to you.”  She told me.

“What do you mean?”  I asked.

“Well, broken or torn bonds can be those of trust and sharing things, to those of love and/or friendship.”  She said.  “Do you have any that come to mind?”  She asked.

“Yes.”  I said simply.

“Telling me who would help the process.”  She said.  I sighed.

“Felix, maybe Peter, and Rumple.”  I admitted, looking down.

“Rumplestiltskin?!  Why him?”  She asked, highly surprised by my answer.

“He used to be Peter and my best friend before we came to Neverland, but Peter and I broke a promise and Rumple has hated us ever since.”  I explained, sadness in both my eyes and lacing my voice.  Regina looked shocked at what I had told her.

“Ok then, well, let’s start small.  You and Peter are going to go to wherever it is that you like to be alone, and tell each other everything.  Deep, dark secrets, inner feelings, and things you have never told each other before.  Tell him that it works both ways, so he has to do it as well.  None of us will bother you, so feel free to share anything.  This will both strengthen and mend the small tear in your bond with each other.”  Regina told me.  I nodded in understanding.

“Ok.  We’ll be back soon.”  I told her.  “Make sure no one disturbs us.”  I finished.  She nodded, and I walked off to find Peter.

I found Peter sitting on one of the logs around the non-lit campfire, sharpening his weapons.

“Peter?”  I said in a small voice.  He turned around and looked at me, confused as to my tone of voice.

“Athena?  What’s wrong?”  He asked, getting up and walking over to me, his previous task forgotten.

“I need to talk to you.  Alone.”  I said.  “Thinking tree.”  I added.  He nodded and we teleported to our treehouse at our Thinking tree.

~ At the Thinking Tree ~

Peter and I sat down on the wooden floor of our Thinking tree treehouse. 

“What’s wrong?”  He asked again.

“Regina told me that in order to increase my magic so I can create this new heart, and save Henry and I, I have to recognise, accept, and in some cases mend, the bonds that have been broken or torn.  That means I have to completely open up to both you and Felix, and try and mend my bond with Rumple.”  I explained.

“Ok, but what do you mean ‘completely open up’?”  He asked.  “Have you been keeping secrets from me?”  He asked.  I nodded at his question.

“But it also works both ways.  You have to tell me your deepest, darkest secrets as well.”  I told him.  He took a deep breath and let it out.

“Well, let’s begin shall we?”  He said.  “Who wants to go first?”  He asked.

“I will.”  I volunteered.  With that, I told him everything.

~ Later ~

We had had our little therapy session and, to be honest, it helped a lot.  I felt like we knew each other better, and we were more open with each other because of it.  It was great.  I could tell that our relationship had strengthened, and that was the thing I was happiest about.

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