Chapter 1

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I was collecting some fruit because we were currently running low. I was about to head back to camp when I felt like someone was behind me. I heard footsteps and a twig snap. I immediately flipped around, getting my knife out in the process, and pinned the person against a tree with my knife to their neck. I noticed it was my brother. I rolled my eyes.
"You can put your knife away now." Peter said, staring at my knife. I took my knife away from his neck.
"Don't sneak up behind me like that!" I exclaimed, before kneeling down and recollecting the fruit I had just dropped. He rolled his eyes.
"I have news." He said. I finished everything and stood up.
"What is it now Peter?" I asked, putting my knife back in its sheath.
"We have found him. We have found the truest believer." He replied seriously. My eyes widened and I stopped what I was doing.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yep." He replied slyly. "I'm getting Greg and Tamara to bring him here tomorrow." He told me.
"Can we kill them after they get here and give us the boy? They are SUPER annoying." I begged, a pout on my face. Peter smirked his sly smirk at me.
"If you want to you can." He said. "I'll get my shadow to take out Greg, you can shoot Tamara with one of your arrows." I nodded. "You and the boys will go and collect him, be the 'home office' as you would call it."
"What's the plan for you?" I asked.
"Since Henry will most likely run, I'm going to pretend to get him away from the Lost Boys, who will be running after him. I'll grab him if he stops or something like that. I'll pretend that I'm a fugitive and that the Lost Boys are after me as well. Then, when he asks where we can hide from them, which I know he will, I'll say the Echo Caves, but take him to the camp instead." He said.
"Do the boys know about this?" I asked. He nodded.
"Yep, they already know." He replied. "They'll all be on the lookout for me, so when he sees me he will get you and the boys to run past me, then have a you and about three or four others run around after Henry and I, while the rest of you go back to camp." He told me.
"You've had this figured out for a while haven't you." I said, more of a statement than a question. He nodded.
"Yes I have. He should be arriving tomorrow." He replied.
"Then let's get ready shall we?" I replied. He nodded and we walked back to camp to join the others.

~ The Next Day ~

"Head down to the beach. They should be there soon." Peter instructed. "I'll see you back here shortly." I nodded.
"Come on boys." I said, leading the Lost Boys out of the camp and down to the beach.

~ At The Beach ~

Felix was leading the rest of us and I was on the side, my bow loaded and ready if there was any danger. We walked out of the jungle to be faced with Greg, Tamara, and a young boy who I assumed to be Henry.
"Who are you?" Tamara asked.
"We're the home office." Felix replied smugly. "Welcome to Neverland."
"The home office is a bunch of teenagers?" Tamara asked, looking at us in disgust. I gripped my bow tighter and glared at her. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one of the boys' eyes flicker to my face, and then to my tight grip on my bow. He didn't say anything, but he knew I was getting mad, which is never good. I can take you out easier than you can count to 3. I have the skill of a highly trained assassin, and I never miss.
"They're not teenagers. They're the Lost Boys." Henry explained.
"Well look at that." Felix said, impressed.
"Why do the Lost Boys want to destroy magic?" Henry asked, confused.
"Who said we wanted to destroy magic?" Felix asked.
"That was our mission." Greg said, clearly oblivious.
"So you were told, yes. Now the boy, hand him over." Felix said, his voice even.
"Not until you tell us the plan. For magic, for getting home." Tamara said with attitude. Felix looked down, a smug grin flashing on his face before looking up at them with a serious face.
"You're not getting home." Felix told them firmly.
"Then you're not getting the boy." Greg said defensively, moving in front of Tamara and Henry. Felix and I chuckled.
"Of course we are." Felix said, looking up at them.
Just then, Peter's shadow came from above us, ripping Greg's shadow from his back, taking it away. He fell down to the ground...dead. Henry and Tamara looked shocked.
"RUN!" Tamara yelled to Henry. He took off into the woods.
"Get the boy." Felix ordered, the Lost Boys began running after him. "Athena?" Felix said, indicating to the running Tamara. I smirked and let an arrow fly, hitting her in the back, right between the shoulder blades. She fell to the ground.
"Nice shot!" Felix said, clearly impressed.
"Thanks. I replied.
"Now let's go after him shall we?" Felix asked. I nodded, and we followed the other Lost Boys.

After a while of chasing Henry and Peter around, we cornered them at the cliffs. Will, Luke, and I noticed the two of them jump off the cliff. I smirked as I watched Peter and Henry fly off towards the camp, Henry thinking they were going to the Echo Caves.
"Come on, back to camp boys." I said smirking. They made random sounds and we all headed back to camp.

~ At Pan's camp ~


As we flew through the trees, I knew. I knew that he was the one...the truest believer. I guided him down to a group of trees, and did a forward roll as we landed. We got up, brushed ourselves off, and then Henry looked at me smiling.
"See, if you believe, anything's possible." Henry said with a smile on his face.
"You couldn't be more right Henry." I said smirking. His smile vanished.
"How'd you know my name? I never told you." He said.
"Let's make it a game, a puzzle to solve." I said, widening my eyes slightly.
"You lied to me. You are a lost boy! You work for Pan." He said. I smirked.
"Not exactly." I said, I walked closer to him, "I am Peter Pan." I replied, and then took a step back.
"But you told Greg and Tamara that magic was bad, that you'd help them destroy it. Why?" He asked, confusion clear in his voice. I grinned.
"Because I needed their help, and it is so much easier to get people to hate something than to believe." I explained.
"Why did you bring me here?" He asked, getting scared.
"For quite some time, I've sought something extremely important. Something more elusive than the greatest of all mysteries." I explained, walking in a wide circle around him, knocking on one of the trees.
"What?" He asked.
"The heart of the truest believer. When you took that pixie dust, and jumped off that cliff, you proved yourself. You are the lucky owner of that very special heart. And now, you...and it...are mine" I said, pointing to him and then to myself. I got my knife out and held it in the air.
"COME ON BOYS!" I shouted. The Lost Boys came out from around us, from in trees and bushes, making a circle around Henry. He looked around for a way out and then looked at me. "Let's play." I said smirking, not taking my eyes off Henry. Before any of us could do anything, someone spoke up.
"What may I ask are you doing to the poor boy?" I heard the unimpressed voice of my sister say from behind me. All of us turned to look at her. "You're scaring him!" She finished.
"Who are you?" Henry asked curiousity and slight fear in his voice. She smiled at him.
"I'm the only Lost Girl, and Peter's sister, Athena." She replied.
"I haven't heard of you in any of the stories." He said. She grinned.
"That's probably because the stories don't mention girls in Neverland since, technically, they aren't allowed. But I wasn't about to let my big brother leave me behind." She said, glancing at me. "Well, what are we waiting for? Party time!" She exclaimed. The Lost Boys went to set up and Henry walked over to sit on a log whilst I went to stand next to Athena.
"We weren't going to hurt him." I said to her.
"Still. Did you see the look on his face? He was terrified! How would you feel if a group of creepy, strange teenage boys surrounded you and their leader said 'let's play'? If you want to keep him here, you have to make sure he feels at home and accepted, not wanting to run out of here as fast as he can." She advised.
"Sometimes I wonder who is the older sibling." I said. She chuckled. "I am so happy to have you with me." I said, giving her a hug.
I care about the Lost Boys, don't get me wrong, but my sister is everything to me. She's the one person who has been there for me through everything. I am not soft or anything though, my sister and I are as evil as it gets. But I am really protective over her, even though I know she can protect herself. I mean, she's my baby sister, of course I'm going to be overprotective!
"Rumplestiltskin just arrived. You wanna go welcome him?" I asked Athena.
"With pleasure." She said, an evil smirk on her face.
"Oh, and give him this." I said, throwing a doll at her, she caught it with ease. She smirked.
"Thank you dear brother." She said. "Anything you wish me to say?" I told her what to tell him.
"Very well, I shall see you soon." With that, she disappeared into the trees.

~ At Rumplestiltskin's camp ~


"Come out and say hello dearie." I heard Rumple say. I came out of the trees and smiled.
"Hello Rumplestiltskin." I said. He did a weird hand gesture. "Pan welcomes you to the island. He wanted me to tell you, he is excited to see you again, as am I." I told him.
"Oh yeah I'm sure you two are." He replied.
"He wanted me to let you know you're welcome in Neverland as long as you wish to stay...with one caveat." I said. He looked at me, not surprised.
"There's always something with him." He replied. I smirked.
"If you're here for the boy, well, that makes you our enemy." I said in an even voice.
"Then nothing's changed." He said through gritted teeth.
"If you go against us, you will not survive." I told him. He stood up and slowly walked towards me.
"Well, the question isn't 'will I survive?' because we both know I won't. No, no. The real question is..." he grabbed the collar of my robe, getting in my face. "How many of you I take with me." He said through gritted teeth. I kept a straight face, looking straight into his eyes.
"So is that your answer?" I asked calmly, no expression on my face.
"That's my answer." He replied.
"Well I suppose that means I'll see you again, in less friendly circumstances." I said, keeping my poker face.
"Count on it." He replied, letting go of me. I began to walk away but then stopped.
"One last thing. There's something he wanted you to have." I turned around and flung the doll at him. He looked at it for a moment, then knelt down and grabbed it. Then he started to cry. I knelt down to his eye level and looked at him with a heartless smile, tilting my head to the side in a playful manner. "Isn't it funny? Things we haven't thought about in years still have the ability to make us cry." I said, laughing dryly and stood up. "See ya around...Dark One." I said, walking away, and making my way back to camp.

~ At Pan's camp ~

Peter and Felix walked up to me as I entered the camp with an evil smirk on my face.
"The Dark One has been welcomed to Neverland."

His Only Weakness (Peter Pan OUAT)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum