Chapter 3

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I was up really early, before any of the boys. Why? I don't have a clue.

"Why're you up so early?" I heard a voice ask. I flipped around quicker than you would think possible, and saw the figure of one of the Lost Boys, Luke, standing my behind me. I visibly relaxed.

"Don't scare me like that Luke!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry. But my question still stands." He said.

"I don't know. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to get up." I explained. "You?"

"Couldn't sleep." He replied simply.

"Any reason why?" I asked.

"You know those times where you just can't sleep and you have no clue why?" He said, more of a statement than a question. I nodded. "Yeah, this was one of them."

"Should we wake the others?" I asked. We looked around at all the boys who were sleeping around us. I raised one of my eyebrows. Some had their mouths wide open, others were drooling, and some were snoring. "Attractive." I said sarcastically. Luke smirked and tried to supress a laugh.

"Let's wake 'em up." Luke said, a cheeky look on his face.

~ A little while later ~


"What should we do today?" Felix asked.

"Should we try target practice with Henry?" Athena asked. Henry was currently the only one asleep.

"He needs to learn how to use a crossbow." Felix added.

"Good idea." I replied. Everyone was already awake and Henry was the only one still asleep. I walked over to him and make a 'Cookoo' noise.

"Wake up." I said, walking towards a now awake Henry. "Catch." I said, throwing an apple at him.

"I don't like apples." He said, looking at the apple in distaste.

"Who doesn't like apples?" I asked jokingly.

"It's a family thing." He replied. Of course, Snow White was his grandmother and the evil queen his adoptive mother.

"Well don't worry, they're not for eating. They're for a kind of game...a really fun game." I pointed a crossbow at him. He looked at it in fear "I call it target practice." I finished.

"Felix, get me some Dreamshade." I ordered.

He did as I ordered and I dipped the tip of the arrow in the Dreamshade sap.

"What's that?" Henry asked, looking at the arrow tip, which was now coated in black sap.

"Dreamshade. It's a nasty poison." I explained, blowing on the tip of the arrow, making sure it was dry. "We have a story here about a man who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow. Let's find out if it's possible." I said, loading and locking the arrow in the crossbow.

"If you're shooting at the apple, what's the poison for?" Henry asked.

"Motivation not to miss." I replied. Aiming the crossbow at one of the trees and making sure it was loaded properly. "Athena! Get over here." I called. I looked at Athena and she got up and walked over.

"Is Athena good? Is her aim good?" Henry asked nervously.

"Doesn't matter." I replied, I looked over at her and she smirked. "You're the one doing the shooting." I told him, I offered him the crossbow.

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